#implied charles x victoria
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Distrust Neutral ending: Agents of Despair
A/N:Â This takes place after chapter 21 and before chapter 22 onwardsâwarning: Violence and blood.
The Government and The Toppat have managed to capture the Cult of Desperationis and put each of them into a cell with high security. Dr. V has created a special room where the members can be in special pods and undo the brainwashing. The room is under high guard and no one but the General and Dr. V are allowed there.
However, not everything is back to normal.
The leader, Briar Bloodsworth, has not been captured yet, driving everyone crazy. Charles and Victoria were especially anxious. On the other hand, Rupert and Henry were doing what they were supposed to be doing. They were still giving intel to Briar and in return, Briar gave them instructions on what to do next. No one was none the wiser.Â
But someone started to notice their strange behavior and decided to investigate.
The night sky was on display and the stars were twinkling. There was a slight breeze and night creatures were awake doing their night routine. Everyone was asleep.Â
A noise jostled Jose Gonzales out of slumber, he looked around but it was dark. He stood up got dressed and looked outside. He found nothing since it was dark save for a few light bugs flying around. He was about to fall asleep when he spotted a figure walking into the clearing. Jose furrowed his brow, who's up at this time of night? He quietly followed the figure who went to the clearing, the figure kept walking but occasionally the figure looked behind them to see if they were being followed.
Jose crouched as he hid behind a bush so the figure wouldn't see him and it was dark so he was hoping he didn't get caught. The figure stopped in the middle of the clearing and took out what looked like a phone, the figure unlocked the phone and dialed something. The figure waited for the other person in the line to answer, the person answered, and the figure began talking to the person.Â
Jose was watching the figure discreetly while trying to figure out who the figure was, he kept watching to see if he recognized any features. He then spotted a blue earpiece and saw familiar white hair when the figure stepped into the moonlight.
It was Henry!
Jose was confused. Who was Henry talking to? And why is he acting off?"
Since Rupert and Henry were rescued from Briar, Jose noticed they'd been acting off. Like they weren't themselves, he saw that sometimes Rupert or Henry have listless eyes or seem to be in a state of "insanity" when training someone. Jose started putting pieces together while Henry was still talking on the phone. Jose was thinking about Rupert's and Henry's odd behavior when he sucked in a breath, Henry was looking in his direction. Jose felt his heart beating as Henry stared at him, he hoped that Henry didn't see him.Â
Henry kept staring at him and his eyes flashed with something Jose couldn't make out then he resumed speaking to the phone. Jose breathed a sigh of relief as he quietly stood up and was about to head back when he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, he looked down in confusion.Â
He saw red in his uniform along with a hand surrounding a knife, the person holding the knife took out the knife and Jose fell to the ground with a groan. Jose covered his wound with his right hand as he gazed up to find a pair of golden eyes staring down at him, Rupert's cold gaze upon Jose then it turned to his hand that was holding the knife covered in blood.
"Y'know..." Rupert said with a tone that made Jose shiver in coldness, "It's kind of rude to spy on someone's conversation,"
Jose blinked as he felt tears started to prick up, "R-Rupert? W-Why?"Â
"Let's just say it's fun to kill,"
Rupert smiled at Jose who felt his veins turn to ice. Rupert never smiled. He sometimes smiles but his smile here, it was not happiness. The smile was creepy and cold. Jose looked around to see if Henry was still there but to his horror, he was gone. Jose started to run away from Rupert who was still smiling when he cried out in pain, Henry stabbed him in his other lower half. Jose fell to the ground in pain, and Rupert calmly came over to them. Jose stared up at them with his blurry vision and saw their eyes were red and their faces full of insanity.Â
"Yo-u Y- You g-g-guys why?" Jose squeaked as he cried. Rupert and Henry both sneered at him, "Aw, c'mon Jose" Rupert replied with a chirp, "I thought we were having fun?"
Henry giggled as Jose started trembling in fear, the wounds in his lower abdomen were stinging and he needed to treat them or else they would get infected. He looked around to find an escape route when he felt something sharp against his leg, he screamed but his mouth was quickly covered with a hand.
"Don't scream," Henry said coldly, "You'll ruin the fun if you do that,"Â
Rupert pulled out his knife and stared at Jose's blood. Henry held up his knife and lunged at Jose while keeping Jose's mouth covered. Jose screamed into Henry's hand while his back was burning with pain, Henry chuckled in amusement.Â
Henry glanced at Rupert, "Should we numb him?" he asked as he brought out a mini black bag.
"Nah, let him feel it," Rupert answered with a wicked smile, "Just use an adrenaline shot on him,"
Jose's eyes widened in fear as Henry pulled out a liquid needle. Henry plunged the needle into Jose's neck and Jose cried a little. Jose felt a burst of energy, his heart beating faster. Jose stared at them with a questioning look and muffled "What did you guys do to me?"
They laughed darkly, "We just put an adrenaline shot into you, nothing special," Henry answered. Â
Jose felt sweat as he cried, why were they doing this to him? He thought they were friends?! Then he remembered their behavior and their rescue from Briar. He read a file report on how Briar's brainwashing affects a person's behavior, a more broken version of themselves replaces their behavior. Jose's eyes widened, and Rupert and Henry were brainwashed by Briar!Â
Briar brainwashed them before they got to them. Jose needed to get out of here and warn everyone about them! But.. how?
Rupert and Henry were trying to figure out what to do with Jose, Henry's hand moved away from Jose's mouth. Jose saw this and he opened his mouth and bit Henry's mouth hard. Henry cried out in pain and held his hand. Rupert was about to help Henry when he felt something hard on his face, he fell on his back with an oof. Jose kicked Rupert and he quickly ran deeper into the clearing. Rupert cursed in Russian as Henry stood up, and they ran after him.
When he was far away, he stopped at a tree and looked behind him. He didn't see them and he sighed. He leaned against the tree to try to rest but couldn't stay there long or else Rupert and Henry would find him. Jose looked at his wounds as black dots started forming in his vision, the adrenaline had worn off.Â
"Fuck! Not now!"Â he thought as he felt dizzy, he had to move and contact the general. He then remembered his comms. He reached into his pocket but couldn't find his comms. "Shit! I must have left them back at my tent!" he whispered. He searched around again but no signs of Rupert or Henry. He got up and quickly headed back to base. He didn't get far as he got tackled by Rupert who found him, Henry was behind him.Â
Rupert and Jose struggled since Jose was putting up a fight this time. Rupert was getting impatient, Henry saw this and went over to them. Henry held Jose down, and Rupert brought out his knife. Jose was losing blood as he felt his consciousness lifting away, Rupert smirked.
"Good night, Jose," Rupert said as he plunged the knife.
June was holding a tray while waiting to get her breakfast. In front of her was the Bukowski twins and behind her was Sarah Connifers. She frowned as she looked around, she was worried. Sarah noticed this and also frowned.
"Oi, what's the matter June?" Sarah asked with her Scottish accent.
"I wonder where Jose is, he's usually up at this time," June replied.
Sarah looked around but didn't spot Jose, she spotted Charles, Ellie, Henry, Rupert, and Victoria sitting at a table together. She knows the drama between Rupert, Henry, and Victoria and has Victoria's sympathies. She looked for Jose again but alas, she didn't see him.Â
"I'm sure he's fine, June," Sarah said happily, trying to calm June down, "I think he's just sleeping still,"
"I know but he never oversleeps,"
"Look, if he's not here by a certain time, we can go over to his tent and see if he is ok," Sarah said, "Okay?"
June nodded as she got her breakfast and Sarah sat at a table. They talked while they ate, and the others did the same. After a while, June and Sarah finished their meal. They cleaned up and headed out to find Jose. They were going to Jose's tent when someone stopped them, "Oi, the General wants us for a meeting," Rupert said.
June and Sarah stared at Rupert who smiled at them, they blinked as they stared at his smile. He never smiles unless it's with Henry or something he enjoys. The girls looked at each other and then at Rupert, "Is the meeting now?" June asked.
Rupert nodded, "C'mon, let's go,"
"But we were-"Â
"Now!" Rupert snapped, making the girls flinch, and quickly went with Rupert. They didn't forget about Jose and decided to visit him after the meeting. The meeting was in the cafeteria because it was bigger and fit the soldiers and Toppat clan members.Â
The General and Victoria were discussing what to do with the former members of the Cult of Desperationis, Reginald and Right Hand Man were beside them. They were thinking of putting the members in jail or the Wall. Sarah and Rupert paid attention but June had other things on her mind. She was worried about Jose and she wanted to check up on him. She looked over at Rupert who looked bored, and she frowned. She sighed and whispered into Sarah's ear. She quietly got up and went outside.
June took deep breaths and she calmed down. She felt nervous inside the cafeteria since Rupert was acting more aloof than usual, and felt a sense of anxiety by being near him. She shook her head, "C'mon June, it's probably that he is still angry about Briar's escaping," she thought.
"I guess I better find Jose," June said to herself. She walked to Jose's tent and found the tent flap open. She blinked as she looked inside, it was dark and she saw no sign of Jose.
"Psst! Jose?" June said tentatively, "Are you there?"
She went inside but didn't see him. She turned on the light next to Jose's bed but Jose was not there. June immediately panicked and went out of the tent. She was about to call the General when she looked down and saw a bootprint, she then looked and found more bootprints. She followed them into the clearing, she kept following them until they stopped.Â
"Huh?" she thought, "Why do they stop?"Â
She looked up to find trees but one of the trees had something hanging off the branch.
Everyone from the cafeteria heard her screaming and went out to find her. Charles was the first to find her and was about to ask what was wrong when she collapsed. She pointed in a direction and Charles followed what she was looking at. His eyes widened as he felt his blood run cold and his face turned a sickly green. The General caught up with them along with the others, he was panting as he gulped up a breath.Â
He calmed down and demanded, "What's going on? What happened?!"
Charles and June pointed in the same direction and he glanced at what they were seeing. His eyes widened and everyone gasped in horror.Â
Hanging on a tree branch was a figure tied up in a rope, wearing a green government uniform and a green hard hat. The figure was covered in blood and its head was hanging off to the side and his eyes were open. Everyone immediately recognized it was Jose Gonzales hanging off the branch. The General and Victoria went up to him quickly to check a pulse but he was dead. Charles went up to them while Sarah and the others comforted June.Â
Charles cringed at the wounds Jose had sustained, it looked like he was stabbed a lot. Charles closed his eyes to mourn him but opened them again when he saw a piece of white hanging out of Jose's front shirt pocket. He gently took the paper out and looked at its contents. He growled as he felt his blood boil, Victoria and Galeforce approached him.
"Charlie?" Galeforce said, "Whatcha got there?"
Charles handed them the paper and he and Victoria saw what made Charles angry. They both gasped in shock and horror.Â
"We're still here,"Â was written in blood on the paper.Â
Everyone dispersed into different places because of Jose. Some went back to their tents, some hung out with friends, and some were in the bathroom emptying their contents from their stomachs cause of the gore. Charles, Ellie, Victoria, Rupert, Henry, and Galeforce were watching soldiers taking down Jose's disemboweled corpse. Galeforce sighed as they put Jose into a body bag and wheeled him off to the morgue. Galeforce glanced at everyone with a solemn look, "I will inform Jose's family of his death,"Â
Galeforce left them alone, leaving Charles and everyone else staring at the tree where Jose was hung up. Fear and anger clouded their faces, they stayed quiet until a voice spoke up.
"Who would kill him? Ellie asked.
"And have the gall to kill him near our base?" Victoria added.
Charles, Henry, and Rupert didn't answer her as they stared at the tree. Charles glanced at Rupert who looked angrier than usual, Rupert clenched his fists and walked out of the clearing. Everyone gave him sympathetic looks and left him alone. They always know that when Rupert is upset, it's better to leave him alone. June and Sarah were at the medbay to get June checked out. June was in shock and Sarah was comforting her.Â
Later, Charles found Rupert hiding behind a boulder. Rupert had his head down and was standing up.Â
"Rupert? Buddy?" Charles said hesitantly.
"Hmm?" Rupert replied but didn't lift his head.
"You okay?"
Charles frowned, Rupert was brooding. He knew that Rupert and Jose had a mentor/student relationship and were friends, so Jose's death hit Rupert hard. Charles approached him and Rupert glanced up at him. "We will catch the killer, Rupert," Charles said, "I promise,"
Rupert didn't say anything, and Charles sighed. "I'll leave you alone,"
Charles said his goodbyes and left Rupert alone. After Charles left, Rupert cracked a smile. Poor, stupid Charles. He just finished talking to Jose's killer.Â
A couple of days later, Charles, Victoria, and Galeforce were investigating Jose's death in the General's office. His funeral was two days ago and they want justice for Jose. They looked over his file and morgue report.Â
"It still makes no sense," Victoria said, "How can he be killed a couple of miles away from the base?"Â
"And who killed him? Why would they kill him in the first place? Everybody loved him," Charles added sadly.
"Hmmm, we don't know but let's safely assume it's not one of us," Galeforce replied.
"Or the Toppat clan members," Victoria said.
They kept thinking, looked at the clues, and eliminated any suspects but still found no answer. They kept digging until someone cleared their throat, they all looked up to see June July standing before them. She rubbed her arms nervously and she looked like she hadn't slept. The General had put her into the military's psychologist after she found Jose's corpse.
"What is it, June?" Victoria asked gently, "Everything okay?"
June didn't say anything at first, she stared down at the floor. Charles put a comforting hand on June, "Hey June? You okay?" he questioned.
"W-what if we didn't capture all of the members of the c-cult?" June asked coldly.
Galeforce, Charles, and Victoria blinked in confusion and shock. "What if there are more members than the ones we captured?" June continued angrily, "Like the ones who are not in the group?"
Charles's eyes widened, "Like agents?" Galeforce questioned.
"Yes," June answered, "Someone who we haven't identified,"
Everyone was thinking about who could be an agent of Briar, and then Charles and Victoria glanced at each other. They both have the same thought. Charles cleared his throat which made Galeforce glance at him.
"Yes, Charlie?"Â
"Sir. I think I know who can be an agent for Briar," Charles murmured.
"What? Who?" Galeforce demanded.
Charles stared at everyone and he closed his eyes.
Rupert followed Charles into the clearing, the same one where they found Jose's corpse. Charles came to Rupert's tent, told him he needed to talk to him, and led him to the clearing. They stopped inside the clearing. Charles took a deep breath and exhaled. He faced Rupert who crossed his arms, "So what did ya want to talk to me about, Charles?"Â
Charles didn't want to do this. Unbeknownst to Rupert, Victoria, and the others hid behind the clearing bushes. They wanted to catch Rupert in the act, and Charles was the one to do it. Â
"Do you remember the day we rescued you and Henry from the leader?" Charles asked slowly.
"Ya, thanks for that," Rupert replied, "What about it?"Â
Charles wasn't sure how to tell Rupert about his suspicions, he was in denial. He knew Jose had suspicions about Rupert when they rescued him and Henry from Briar. "Are you sure you didn't find the leader?" Charles asked softly.Â
Rupert frowned, "Yeah,"
Rupert's tone was cold and clipped, drawing Charles that something was off. Everybody including Charles knew Rupert wasn't a social butterfly and preferred to be alone. He does hang out with Charles and Victoria, he and Henry are a couple and are always together. Charles frowned, speaking of Henry, how come he hasn't noticed Rupert's strange behavior?
Rupert's eyes flashed red and he was about to question why Charles asked him this question when he heard rustling in the bushes. The General, Victoria, and everyone else stood up from the bushes with their weapons aimed at Rupert.Â
"Rupert Price, you are under arrest for the suspicion of murder of Jose Gonzales!" Galeforce exclaimed angrily while holding his gun at Rupert.Â
Rupert growled as he glared at Charles, he put his hands up slowly. Charles gulped, Rupert's glare was cold and it made Charles feel guilty. "Charles... what is this?"Â
"Rupert, you are being accused of murder against Jose Gonzales," Charles stared at Rupert coldly, "Which is unbelievable! Are you a murderer?!"
A shadow appeared on Rupert's face as he hung his head down, he didn't answer Charles. The area was quiet and tense. There were no sounds except from the birds, and Charles could hear his heartbeat against his chest. "Rupert... please say something," Charles demanded.
Rupert didn't respond, but his body started trembling, and Charles heard a low laughter.
"Hehehe..." Rupert chuckled darkly, he was still trembling. Charles raised an eyebrow while everyone tensed up, "Hehe...HeHAHAHAHA!"
Rupert lifted his head and everyone's veins turned cold when they saw his eyes. His eyes were white with black swirls and his smile held insanity. Rupert stopped laughing as he kept smiling deviously, he stared at Charles. "Congratulations, Charles," he purred, "You caught me,"
Rupert's eyes flashed red while he showed his pearly, white sharp teeth. Charles started shaking, "His eyes... They are the same color as the eyes of the cult before we captured them," he thought.Â
"Rupert Price. You're under arrest for the murder of Jose Gonzales," Galeforce said as he had two soldiers handcuffed Rupert. Galeforce's face was neutral but Charles could see anger and disappointment in his eyes.
Rupert didn't say a word while handcuffed; he was still smiling, and his eyes weren't those disturbing swirls. They were red like blood. Rupert was still smiling as he was led out of the clearing. Charles and everyone stared after him with grim looks on their faces.Â
Charles was watching the General interrogate Rupert outside the interrogation room, Charles wanted to punch that smug smile Rupert was wearing. Victoria came up to him, standing next to him. She put a hand on his shoulder, "Charles? Charlie?" she said tentatively, but he didn't respond to her calls.
He kept watching Galeforce asking Rupert why he'd killed Jose.
(I was originally going to write the whole interrogation but I'm lazy and I want to get to the reveal where Charles and everyone else find out Rupert and Henry were brainwashed)
Galeforce pinched the bridge of his nose, he felt a headache brewing as he stared up at Rupert. Rupert smiled like he had done nothing wrong like he didn't murdered one of his own. Galeforce took a deep breath and exhaled as he gave Rupert a hard stare.Â
"Of all my time as a military officer," Galeforce started, his tone full of disappointment and anger, "I have never dealt with something like this,"
Rupert kept smiling which annoyed the General and pissed off Charles. "Rupert... why did you kill Jose Gonzales?"Â Â
Rupert chuckled darkly as he leaned in, and Galeforce leaned back. Rupert was handcuffed to the interrogation table so Galeforce had nothing to worry about... for now.
"He was about to ruin our plan," Rupert replied with a chirp," And we have to kill him for it,"
Galeforce furrowed his brows in confusion as Rupert's eyes became white with black swirls, Charles and Victoria felt a sense of dread when they saw his eyes. However, Charles noticed something that Rupert said.
"Wait, what does mean we?" Charles questioned, Victoria shrugged her shoulders and then she suddenly remembered some important information. "Hey, do you remember the reports on how the members of the Cult of Desperationis's eyes were red, and sometimes their eyes were white with black swirls?" she asked.
Charles nodded as he read through those reports a while ago. He remembered the victims were brainwashed to do Briar's bidding and the horrible stuff they did to other people. He also read how the victims were brainwashed which was horrifying and no one should be able to go through it. Then his brain gave him a thought about the brainwashing and the day they rescued Rupert and Henry.
Charles gasped as he felt his heart hammer against his chest and he glanced at Victoria who stared at him with fear in her eyes. Her eyes confirmed his suspicion.Â
"Rupert's been brainwashed," Charles murmured.
"No... by Briar?" Victoria replied.
Charles ran into the interrogation room without answering Victoria, Galeforce jumped while Rupert turned his head at Charles like it was a normal thing. "Charlie? What's going on? I'm busy with Ru-"
"Rupert's been brainwashed by Briar Bloodsworth!" Charles exclaimed angrily, Victoria came into the room as the General stood up, and Galeforce's eyes widened upon Charles's confession.
"What? Brainwashed?" he asked, he looked at Victoria who nodded to back Charles up.
"Yeah. The reports that contain how you can tell a victim of Briar has been brainwashed and Rupert's eyes match the documents," Victoria explained.
A deep, dark chuckle brought the trio to look in Rupert's direction, Rupert's eyes were crimson and his eyes lit up with insanity. "Congratulations, Charles," he said coldly, his eyes landed on Victoria, "And Tori... Another win for the Government," Rupert growled that last word which made Victoria shiver a bit.
The trio stared at Rupert who was smiling creepily at them. Charles frowned and was about to ask how Rupert was brainwashed when he remembered something else. "Hey, Rupert? Is Henry brainwashed too?" he asked hard.
The General's and Victoria's eyes widened.Â
Rupert clicked his teeth in response.Â
"Damn it..." Charles said angrily.
"Get Henry and bring him here NOW," Galeforce ordered Victoria in an authoritative tone.
"Yes, sir," Victoria nodded numbly.
Moments later, Victoria had the Bukowski twins bring Henry in and put him into another interrogation room. Victoria questioned him but got the same response from Rupert.Â
The General and Charles were back to interrogating Rupert.Â
"Rupert, where's Briar," the General questioned.
"Fuck you, old man," Rupert growled which stunned the General and Charles.
Victoria sighed as she looked at Henry who smiled at her but the smile was not happy. "Henry, do you know where Briar is?" she asked gently.
"No. Even if I did, would I tell you guys?"Â Henry signed even though he was handcuffed to the table. Victoria shook her head and stood up to leave the room. She closed the door as the General and Charles exited the other room. The trio stood in front of the room Rupert was in.
"Any luck?" The General asked, folding his arms.
"No," Victoria replied sadly, "I don't think they are going to tell us where's Briar hiding,"
The trio glanced at Rupert in the interrogation room, looking in the mirror. They are unsure if Rupert knows they are behind the mirror but he doesn't care, "My phone is ringing and I think it's for you,"Â
The trio quickly entered the room and Charles took Rupert's phone out of his pocket. The caller id was unknown and Charles answered the phone. There was no call but a video and Charles played it.
In the video, a man with long hair with the color of deep blue was staring back at them. He was wearing something you would see at a Halloween party but more casual and his eyes were a scarlet. He was sitting in a white room and sitting on a chair.Â
"Why hello there!" the person on the video spoke, his voice was smooth and deep, "My name is Briar Bloodsworth, and congratulations for figuring out that two of your soldiers were my pawns the whole time!"
Galeforce growled as Charles clenched his fists in anger and Victoria gasped. "Now you may be wondering where I am and why am I sending you this video?" Briar inquired, waiting for a response but it was a recording, "Well, I can answer both questions,"
"My location is discreet but by the time you finish this video, I'm already in a different country. And the answer to why I'm sending you this video is that I wanna see the looks of despair on your faces,"
Galeforce picked up the phone in rage and gripped the phone tightly, "Do you have any idea who you are FUCKING WITH!" he shouted that last phrase which made everyone sans Rupert jump in shock. They had never him curse before. "Um...sir," Victoria said tentatively, "It's a recording,"
"You're probably wondering who I'm dealing with," Briar implored as if he heard the General's question, "I'm dealing with a defense force who in reality, sucks at their job,"
"I mean c'mon Government dogs," Briar continued, "You guys were supposed to take down the Toppat Clan and you keep failing every time! And you didn't even notice that two of your own were acting strangely because of me,"
The General looked away while Charles and Victoria felt guilty. "Don't worry though," Briar chuckled, "I find the stupidity of the whole Government quite amusing,"
Then Briar's expression turned serious, "Now we gotta talk about the elephant in the room. Why did Rupert and Henry kill Jose?" Everyone's ears perked up upon hearing Briar's statement, "Well you see... they got bored and so did I,"
"What?" Charles said incredulously.Â
"You see if I've planned out everything in hindsight, that would be so boring," Briar explained, crossing his arms, "So Rupert and Henry decided to mix things up to make a little point,"
"So Jose was not even part of your plan," Galeforce said softly, "It was a betrayal,"
"And I heard he and Rupert shared a mentor and student relationship which made his death take a whole new level of damn!" Briar finished, "I wonder how he felt when he was betrayed by his mentor... he must have felt an unhealthy amount of hope that he wouldn't be betrayed by his mentor. However, the feeling of hope was replaced by a feeling of despair,"Â
Everyone felt immense emotions all at once. Anger, numbness, sadness, and despair. The video was about to end, Briar clapped his hands together with a smile on his face. "Well, looks like we're out of time. I should be heading out," Briar stood up and took the camera with him, "Before I go, you will be getting a phone call from someone you should know, General,"
Galeforce blinked as Briar held up his fingers for a countdown, "You will get the countdown in three, two, one,"
As if on cue, June entered the room with a telephone. "Sir," she said emotionlessly, "the warden from the Wall wants to talk to you,"Â
Galeforce put down the cell phone and lifted the phone from the receiver, "Hello," he answered.
 The person on the other end spoke to the General. Charles, Victoria, and Rupert eavesdropped on his conversation. They heard "No", "What", and "I see" from the General and then they heard "Thank you" and the General ended the call. He gave the phone back to June who nodded and exited the room. The video ended and the tension thickened.Â
"Who was that?" Victoria asked.
"It was Dmitri Petrov," Galeforce replied, tone void of emotion, "He told me that Briar Bloodsworth is in custody,"
"WHAT?!" Charles and Victoria exclaimed in unison.
"Is that what he meant that he's in "another country," Victoria inquired.
"Yes," Galeforce answered tiredly, he glanced over at Rupert whose head was down. His bangs covered his eyes, and he said nothing after the video ended. The room was silent for a few moments, "What now?" Charles asked, breaking the silence.
The General cleared his throat and looked at Charles, "We will put Rupert and Henry with Dr. V who will undo their brainwashing," he explained, "And then we will discuss what to do with them afterward. Charles and Victoria nodded and they both exited out of the room. Galeforce glanced at Rupert who still didn't look at him, he sighed and exited the room.
Charles was standing in front of the makeshift memorial for Jose at the tree where he had been found. He stared at it, looking at all the gifts and flowers the soldiers had put there. Charles's face was full of apathy, he crossed his arms and felt a headache brewing. Victoria, Ellie, and the Bukowski twins came up to him. Victoria put a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly at him.Â
They stared at the memorial in silence.Â
"I can't believe they were brainwashed," Ellie murmured, breaking the silence.
"They played us like a fiddle," Calvin added darkly.
Charles clenched his fists as he looked up to the sky, he felt something wet in his eyes. He then let out a scream that frightened everyone around him.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Charles screamed until his voice gave out. Charles turned around and headed back to his place. Victoria noted that Charles was crying.Â
Rupert and Henry were cured of their brainwashing a couple of weeks later. However, the damage was already done. Several people have died by their hands and there was nothing they could do about it. They told the General and Dr. V how they were brainwashed. They were horrified that Briar put them through such a terrible ordeal especially for Rupert, since Briar had a lobotomy done on him.Â
"So... how long will you guys be gone?" Charles asked, watching Rupert and Henry put their stuff in the car. The president wanted to imprison Rupert and Henry, but the General thought they'd suffered enough. The General and the President decided that Rupert and Henry would live in exile. Henry was putting in a suitcase as Rupert approached Charles, Victoria, Dave, Johnny, and Ellie.Â
"Forever," Rupert replied bluntly.
Rupert frowned at everybody's grim faces, he knew they were disappointed about his answer but there was nothing he could do. "I'm sorry... it's for the best for us,"Â
"We know," Victoria said sadly, she looked like she was about to cry and so did Ellie. Johnny's expression was of anger and Dave wasn't looking at him. Charles's face was full of apathy. Henry was done packing their stuff into their car and approached the group. "Everything is packed into the car, Rupert," Henry signed sadly, he became completely mute upon returning to normal which made everyone's hearts break.Â
"Thanks... diamond," Rupert told Henry, they both turned to face the others. It was time for them to go but first, they needed to say goodbye to everyone. "I guess this is goodbye," Rupert muttered.
"Wait, before you go," Dave inquired, stepping closer to Rupert, "Where will you go?"
"We can't say," Henry responded as Charles and Ellie approached him.
"Oh..." Dave said softly, he faced Rupert and hugged Rupert. Rupert hesitated but quickly wrapped his arms around him. Johnny joined him and Victoria did too. The only people who aren't here to say goodbye to them are the Bukowski twins and June July. The Bukowski twins were scared of them and June refused to see them. She was still angry and hurt about Jose's death and even refused to speak to them.Â
A couple of minutes later, the group hug dispersed. Rupert and Henry headed to the car but before they could leave, someone stopped them. "Hey, before you guys go," Charles said, getting their attention, "Did you guys know you were killing people? And do you regret killing them?"
The tension was awkward and became heavy, "Charles!" Victoria reprimanded.
"It's ok, Tori," Rupert said tightly, he stared at Charles who crossed his arms and frowned at him, "To answer your questions, Charles," he replied, hanging his head down in shame, "I don't know but we do regret killing people who don't deserve it. Right, Henry?" Henry nodded sadly.Â
"Ok..." Charles said, begrudgingly accepting their answer, "Take care, you guys. It's been an honor serving with you before you were brainwashed," Charles waved at them and they waved back. They got into the car and left the Government base. Charles and the others watched them until they were gone. Johnny, Dave, and Ellie entered the base but Charles and Victoria remained outside.
"Charles?" Victoria said tentatively, "You ok?"
Charles chuckled and glanced at Victoria who gasped when she saw Charles was crying. "Yes, I am, Tori," he answered, voice cracking, "We captured Briar but we lost a lot of people, including Jose, Rupert, and Henry,"
Charles wiped his eyes and held out his hand for Victoria to take it, "C'mon... let's go. It's finally over... "Â
Victoria blinked at him in confusion but smiled, she took his hand while blushing. "Okay..." she replied softly. They made their way back into the base.
A couple of weeks later, Briar was found dead in his cell with no proper diagnosis of how he died.Â
A/N: And the Distrust series is done! I have done the good, and bad, and now the neutral ending of Distrust. Also, almost 6,000 words... And happy late THSC anniversary!
#thsc#henry stickmin#thehenrystickmincollection#rupert price#thsc henry stickmin#thsc rupert price#charles calvin#thsc charles calvin#thsc june july#june july#thsc sarah connifers#calvin bukowski#konrad bukowski#thsc calvin bukowski#thsc konrad bukowski#ellie rose#thsc ellie rose#hubert galeforce#thsc hubert galeforce#victoria grit#thsc victoria grit#stickprice#implied charles x victoria#henry stickmin oc
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the story of us: chapter 3
pairings: Charles Leclerc x Single Mom!Verstappen!Reader, Max Verstappen x Sister!Reader
summary: you run into a ghost from your past, and take the biggest step possible to prove him wrong about what he thinks of you.
c/w: baby trapping, mentions of domestic abuse and violence, mentions of child abuse, verbal abuse from a spouse, idk if its a warning but its mentioned that the reader is breastfeeding?? although it is implied in other parts!
word count: 4.3k (she's a hefty one x)
a/n: here she is!! the third chapter that's somehow 4300 words exactly!! as always, feedback is always appreciated!!
series masterlist // main masterlist
Lukas watched you from the Red Bull garage, his eyes narrowed as he watched your brother's friend, Charles, place his hands on the curve of your stomach, feeling as your daughter kicked against his palms. He didn't like Charles, he saw the way that he looked at you, like you could be his, but that's what the ever growing bump of your stomach showed - You couldn't be his, and even if it meant giving you another baby to make sure that he took the hint, then that's what Lukas would do. He put his anger aside, shaking himself of it as he put on the happy boyfriend act, smiling politely as he made his way over to you, protectively placing his hand over your belly, where Charles' hand had previously lingered.
"Hi," You smiled up at your boyfriend, humming as he dipped down to press a small kiss to your lips. In the past 8 months, Lukas had successfully managed to convince both you and your brother that he had completely changed - Although he knew he hadn't and wouldn't; You made it so easy, he had previously laughed at you, telling you that the way your father had treated you as a child was a result of how trusting you were. In an effort to convince you of his change of ways, he had apologised for what he had said, claiming that he was just angry at your so called father for how he had treated you. "This is Max's um...friend? Charles." You introduced him to the Monegasque, who eyed him carefully.
Charles had heard the tales from Max of how Lukas had previously treated of you, of how he had one time hit you so hard, that you ended up with concussion. He told him of how he didn't let you speak to him or Victoria, that he looked through your phone to block their numbers and that you could only talk to them if you had happened to bump into either of them. Charles had been heartbroken to hear that even if Max had managed to escape the cycle of abuse that his father had put him through, it appeared that you hadn't - Ever since you had started dating, every boyfriend had treated you horribly, you were trapped in the cycle of abuse, and it was clear that Lukas' abusive and controlling behaviour had no intention of letting you go.
"Hi, you must be Y/N's boyfriend," Charles remained friendly despite Lukas' silent hostility towards him. "Congratulations on the baby, Y/N was just telling me how excited she is to be a mother." He smiled back at you, he could never tell you how uneasy he felt around your boyfriend, but would definitely tell Max. Looking at Charles, Lukas huffed, rolling his eyes at the Monegasque.
"Yeah, thanks. She's going to be a great mother to our little ones, right Y/N?" He grinned at Charles, whose smile fell as you simply hummed and nodded. He remembered how as a child you wanted to be a doctor, but your dad had all but beaten the passion for anything out of you - Charles knew how incredibly smart you were, he hated to see all of your potential go to waste as a result of being forced to bare and raise this man's children. Again, this was something that he could ever say to you out loud, since you appeared to be so content at the thought of doing so. "Anyway, we should get you to sit down, love. Don't want you going into labour this early. See you later, Charles."
"No buts, Y/N. Go and sit down." Lukas' tone was harsh, and it was dark. Charles could see you shrink into yourself as much as you could, breaking his heart as he realised that even now you were 21, you were still the same little girl's who's father would both verbally and physically harm her, with no one to help her.Â
Charles was certain he would help you out of this, even if it was just providing an ear for you, for someone you could talk to.
If only he'd known that this was a rare outing for you, Lukas had convinced you that you would be better off in the safety of your shared apartment, that you and your baby would be the best protected in there.
You groaned as you woke up, the Monte Carlo sun streaming through the curtains of your room. You were thankful to Max and Kelly, they had made sure that the room felt like a safe space for you and Romy, and it did, which you could prove by how settled your daughter was in the space. Rolling over, you sighed in relief as you saw your baby still fast asleep, luckily, she had only woken up to be fed once during the night. Sliding into your slippers and pulling one of Max's hoodies on, you made your way out to the living room, gently closing the door behind you as not to disturb your sleeping baby.
"Auntie Y/N!" Penelope cheered happily, running to greet you excitedly.Â
"P, you have to be quiet, Romy is still asleep," Kelly gently told her off, shooting you a sorry look for the noise that she was making.
"But I'm so excited to see auntie Y/N,' The girl pouted at her mother, making you smile as you bent down to pick her up, holding her at her hip. "I'm so happy you and Romy live here with me and mama and Maxie now." You smiled, you had told her when you first met her that you used to call your brother Maxie as a way to annoy him, but now when Max heard either you or Penelope call him Maxie, it made him happy.Â
"Well me and Romy are so happy to live here with you, and your mama and Maxie too. Sometimes you just need to listen to your mama so you don't wake up Romy and she's crying, then you can't hear your cartoons," You told her, pushing the hair away from her face as she nodded. Kelly smiled at the interaction between you and her daughter, she had always told Max that you would make a great mother, the two of them had just wished you had become one under better circumstances and with a better man.
Maybe a man like Charles, would have been better.
You made your way around the kitchen, Penelope still in your arms as you made tea for you and Kelly, before placing her down on her feet and setting her off to go and sit with her mother. She smiled thankfully as she took the warm mug from your hands, holding it in her down as Penelope settled beside her.
"Before you ask, they never actually settle," You both laughed at how hyperactive Penelope appeared to be, she certainly had the DNA of a racing driver in her. "So, I was thinking. If you're open to it, maybe you could have Max baby sit Romy and Penelope and you and I could have a girls day together?" Kelly suggested. You thought about it, you had never left your daughter with anyone, you had never even left her alone with Lukas - But the more you thought about it, the more you realised that your brother would never intentionally do anything to harm your daughter, he loved Romy, so why would he hurt her?
Lukas said he loved you and he hurt you.
You gently shook your head of the thought. Letting out a deep sigh, you realised that maybe you did need your hair done, and maybe your nails could benefit from a pretty red shade, maybe Ferrari red, for your favourite driver of course-
Max was your favourite driver, of course your brother was your favourite driver. Why would it be Charles? You were a Red Bull fan, it was the team that gave your brother his biggest successes and clearly made him so happy. Red Bull didn't have Charles though.Â
"Yeah, that sounds nice," You nodded and smiled at the suggestion, trying to shake your head of the thoughts of Charles that plagued your mind. "At least I know that she won't be fussy, she loves Max so much." You told Kelly, who hummed in agreement as she nodded.
"He's great with P too, but Romy loves him," She agreed with you. You giggled as you nudged her gently, watching as she blushed. "What?"
"You know what I'm gonna say," You grinned, watching as Kelly adamantly shook her head. "Max would be such a good dad, you did say that he's great with P and Romy. Not like it would be hard from what we had as kids," She smiled sadly at the last part of your sentence, even with Max, it broke her heart to hear how normalised abuse was for you and Max as children.
"Not for a while, at least. And anyway, I'm pretty sure that you're thinking the same about Charles, right? You see how much Romy loves him and how good he is with her, you think that your baby's a good judge of character and normally you're right," You watched in amazement, Kelly had read your mind of the thoughts that had been swirling in your mind since your second meeting with Charles.
"You are scarily good at that."
Lukas watched as your face contorted in pain, sweat beading on your forehead as another contraction gripped you, each one more painful than the next. His hand rested gently on your back, rubbing small circles as you cried out in pain. He smiled maliciously, he had isolated you so much that you had no one to cry out for - but he supposed that he could thank your mother and father for that, your mother for making you feel unwanted, and your father for his overall abusive nature.
He did have to hand it to himself, he was a mastermind - He had successfully convinced you that Max and Victoria weren't happy for you, and that now, all you needed was him and your daughter. He had you as vulnerable as he could ever see you, completely dependent on him for everything in this moment.
"Lukas, I want Vic here," You cried for your older sister, even though Lukas had convinced you that she was jealous of you, despite having 3 kids of her own. He shook his head as he rested his forehead on your own, looking you in the eyes as he tried to soothe you.
"No, love, you're okay, I'm right here, I'm all that you need," He whispered, watching as you whined in pain, whimpering in pain as another contraction gripped you. "You're doing so well. Bringing our girl into the world, just like you should." He spoke the last part to himself, already planning how soon he was going to give you another baby. Maybe 6 weeks after would be too quick, raise too many eyebrows at how quickly you'd fallen pregnant again. For you, it felt like hours before doctors and midwives flooded into your room, telling you when to push, all while Lukas stood at your side, holding your hand as you squeezed his with every push.
And finally, your daughter made her entrance into the world with a piercing wail, the doctors rushing to lift her from between your legs and onto your chest as she continued wailing. Instinctively, you gently stroked her small face as to try and soothe her, whispering soothing words to her in Dutch.
Lukas watched, a grin on his face as he realised that he well and truly had you trapped now. Convincing you to stay with him had been easier, but convincing you to keep your baby had been a bit tougher, you claimed that you still wanted to go to University and get a degree and start a career - But he knew how to get his way. He had planted the seeds of being a stay-at-home mom in your head, telling you of how staying at home with your daughter would be much more fulfilling than any degree or career would ever be, and anyway, it was his job to provide for the two of you, so long as you made sure that Romy was looked after and the house was clean. He realised he had gotten everything that he wanted, you were his now.
You looked into your daughter's eyes, yours softening as her cries quieted, recognising you as her mother and the familiarity of the comfort that you provided. Watching this interaction, Lukas knew that now, you were in no position to leave - Your brain had been through so much in the past 9 months with your hormones being all over the place, your maternal instincts became stronger, and now he could see it.
"You did such a good job, love," He placed his hand on your back, watching as you remained completely enamoured with your daughter, as if you were entranced by her. "She's beautiful, just like you." You smiled as you looked up at him.
"Thank you for giving her to me, I love you," You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, and he smiled as he realised just how far you had fallen into his trap. He was certain that you would never leave now.
You and Kelly had truly done some damage on Max's card, the bags on both of your arms had proved that at the end of the month, your brother would be paying off a hefty credit card bill. Yet again, he had told the two of you to treat yourselves to something nice, maybe he should have been more specific in what he meant by something. You were happy that Kelly had suggested a girls afternoon, you hadn't had much time for looking after yourself since you had Romy, any time you needed to get your hair done you trimmed your ends yourself before putting yet another box dye over it.
But now, you felt good about yourself. And if your brother had anything to say about it, you knew he would fold against your puppy eyes, you had played him with those for years to get what you wanted - Even if it was just his attention. Everyone knew that Max was practically incapable of being mad at this baby sister, especially after everything that you had been through.
The two of you laughed as you walked through the streets of Monte Carlo, the 3 mimosas that you had with lunch had dampened down your anxiety about being in such a crowded open space - You had insisted on having more, but Kelly had cut you off before you started getting drunk. However, you quickly sobered up as you noticed the familiar face coming towards you.
Kelly looked back, noticing how you had stopped in your tracks as your ex boyfriend made your way towards the two of you. She made her way back to you before Lukas could, taking a hold of your hand to provide you with at least some support. You could feel your heart racing in your chest as he made his way towards you, grabbing your arm tightly as he got in your face.
"I see that you've already moved on," He snarled, up close and personal to you. "You know I'm the only one who can look after you, the two of you. What can Charles give you that I can't hm? I told you that he was bad news, he's only going to hurt you and Romy - You know that I'll keep you safe." He almost smiled at the fear in your eyes, tightening the grip on your arm hard enough to leave a bruise.
"No, you just hurt me, Lukas, and I'm not going to let you hurt Romy the same way that you hurt me. She's just a baby," You told him, trying to uphold your confident facade. "Charles is just a friend, and even then, he is more involved with our daughter than you ever were." You narrowed your eyes, pulling your arm out of his grip.
"You'll come crawling back to me, Y/N. You always come crawling back," You ignored him as you walked away, Kelly rubbing your back as you kept your vision focused on what was in front of you, despite your vision blurring with tears. You stumbled into a quiet alley, your resolve dissolving as you broke down into tears in her arms.Â
"You did so well, Y/N, you were so brave," She told you, trying her best to try and comfort you. Even if for some reason you didn't believe her, she was telling you the truth - If she was being honest, she was expecting you to have burst into tears in the face of Lukas. "He doesn't deserve you and Romy, and I know that it's hard doing it on your own, but you know that you and have me and that you have Max...I'm sure that if you asked, Charles would love to spend time with Romy." You sniffled, rubbing your nose as you looked up at Kelly.
"I don't know why he still wants to be involved with me, I just want him to leave me and Romy alone," You hiccuped, wiping your eyes of tears and you tried to pull yourself together. "He never wanted anything to do with her and he only wants to be involved with her now to try and get me back. I'm not falling for it again Kelly." You told her confidently, sure of yourself that this time you wouldn't go back to him, you were determined to prove him wrong.
"I know, you know my parents used to bring me and my brothers here? I thought that maybe it could be something we could do with Romy," He said, only to stumble over his words as you looked at him, your eyebrows furrowed. "Nono, I-I didn't mean like a date or anything like that...not that I don't want something like that with you! I think you're really pretty and Romy is the most perfect little girl and-...I am making a fool of myself, aren't I?" He held his head in hands, his cheeks heating up as he realised how much he had been rambling.
You giggled, placing your free hand on Charles' back as a means to try and comfort him. He looked up at you, a blush creeping over his cheeks as he made eye contact with you.
Your fingers hovered over the call button on your phone, Romy lay on your chest, sound asleep after her last feed. She was apparently exhausted after spending the day with her uncle Max and Penelope, you wished that you could live the life that your 7 month-old did; She woke up, had breakfast, fell asleep, woke up, had a feed, played for a bit, fell asleep again until she had dinner, had a bath and then went to sleep and repeated the day again all over the next.Â
With a hand resting on her small back, you bit the bullet, pressing the call button on Charles' contact. It only took a couple rings, almost as if he had been anticipating your call.
"Y/N! Hi, how are you? How is Romy?" You smiled at his gleeful tone, and his immediate concern for both you and your daughter.Â
"Hi Charles, we're fine, I um...I was out with Kelly earlier today so Max was in charge of P and Romy, surprisingly they're both still in one piece," You laughed, rubbing your hand up and down Romy's small back as she let out a small whimper. "So..I was thinking about what you said, about you thinking that I'm really pretty and whatever." You trailed off as nerves grew in your stomach.
"Oh, I am so sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Cherie," You could tell from his bashful tone that he was embarrassed. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed or-or even upset!"
"Charles!" You giggled, cutting him off before he could ramble further. "I just called to see if you wanted to go out to dinner one night, just the two of us." You offered him, the silence on the other end suffocating enough to make you feel as though you had just made the biggest fool of yourself.
"I would love that, when are you free?"Â
"Charles, I'm basically a stay at home mum, I'm free any time I can get someone to watch Romy," You smiled, even though he couldn't see it. "What about Tuesday?"Â
"Yes, I am free on Tuesday, I will make us a reservation. I'll see you then cherie."
"Yeah, I'll see you then Charles."
You hung up, with a giddy smile on your face. You were sure that your newfound confidence had something to do with proving Lukas, and for a matter of fact, everyone else wrong. Everyone had you down as being in a constant cycle of abusive relationships - well now, you were about to try and prove them wrong. You sighed, feeling the weight of the world lift off of your shoulders, and you placed a small kiss on the crown of your daughter's head, gently placing her into the cot beside your bed.
You could barely contain your excitement as you walked out into the living room, causing Max to raise and eyebrow and Kelly to give you a knowing look.
"What's got you so excited, kleine zusje?" Max asked, furrowing his eyebrows at you as he took in your excited nature. You giggled as you ran over to the couch, once again settling yourself between him and Kelly.
He laughed yet found it endearing, for most of your childhood, Max had taken care of you, he had been the one to clean up the cuts which your father caused as a result of the beatings you endured; And here he was now, making sure that both you and your daughter were looked after. He would never complain, and was grateful for the relationship that you shared with Kelly, he was happy that he was with someone who was able to realise how much his baby sister had been through and not try to force a relationship with you. She had worked on building your relationship, not forcing you into doing things that you weren't comfortable with.
"So, I have a date on Tuesday," You told them, a wide smile on your face. Both Max and Kelly knew who it was with, but wanted to hear it from you on your own accord. "...It's with Charles. So could I ask you guys to maybe watch Romy that night?" You asked them timidly, you didn't know why you felt so guilty asking them to babysit your daughter, for one night for at most, 4 hours.
"Of course we will."
You let out a deep breath as you looked in the mirror, moving your freshly curled hair away from your face as you did a last once-more over your makeup. You adjusted your dress the best that you could, in your slow but steady weaning of Romy, your boobs had become significantly bigger once more, so the dress that you had bought the week before had become tighter around your chest.
"Knock Knock," You turned around to look at the door of your room, smiling as you saw Kelly making her way into your bedroom. "Oh, you look beautiful, Y/N." She smiled at you, standing behind you.
"Thanks, my dress feels really tight but I guess that's what I get for deciding to wean a breastfed baby 1 week before I end up going on a date," You joked, pulling your dress up once more to try and cover more of your chest.Â
"Well, either way, you look beautiful, you're gonna blow Charles away with how stunning you look," She smiled at you, almost with tears in her eyes. "So, Romy is settled, Penelope is sitting ready for her to wake up so she can play blocks with her."Â
"Of course she is, at least we know that they're going to get along," The two of you laughed, as you stood up and put your jacket on. "Well, I should get going, I think Charles is outside." The two of you left your bedroom, luckily for you, Max was occupied with your daughter so that he wouldn't see your outfit, otherwise he would have gone incredibly big brother on you. You said goodbye to Kelly and headed down the stairs, where Charles waited for you in the lobby, a lily in his hand as he waited for you.
"Oh, wow, you look absolutely beautiful, Cherie," He greeted you, kissing each side of your face, and smiling as you unashamedly blushed.
"Thank you, Charles. You look so handsome," You still blushed, but smiled up at him as he offered his arm out to you, which you happily linked. "So, where are we going?" You asked him, tilting your head as you smiled.
"Well, I wasn't entirely sure what you liked, but I remember you said when we were kids that you liked pasta, so I thought that we could go to this Italian that my maman loves, I think that you'll really like it." He opened the door of his Ferrari, offering you his hand to help you down into the super car before getting in himself.
And suddenly, all of the nerves in your stomach disappeared, and now you just had to see how the night went.
Taglist - Currently Closed as I ican't get it to work :(((
#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#charles leclerc#max verstappen#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc fluff#charles leclerc imagine#max verstappen x reader comfort#max verstappen fluff#max verstappen x reader#charles leclerc x verstappen!reader#verstappen!reader
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Someone remembered on twitter - sorry X - that when the letters existence was first revealed before the coronation in a Victoria Ward article (edited several times) that she implied there was 1 name. So we even have different versions of the letter now. Scobie must be delighted at all of this totally organic free press for his burn book *rolls eyes*.
Hereâs the old article, if anyone is interested. It was edited numerous times.
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Hi all! I think I posted some moodboards here about this fusion fic idea I had a while back for Jatp x One Chicago so he's some fan art I started to make for it (even though there's no actual fic or fics for it yet) But for context in case you want it meet the characters I have for Chicago Med.
First we have Julie who never recovered from Rose's death and never found her way back to music. Instead, she found her way into medicine  following in her Tia Victoria's footsteps and is doing her ED rotation a Chicago Med. (Did we mention Victoria is head of hospital and convinced Julie to leave Los Feliz and come to Chicago?)
Then we have Reggie who is a former paramedic at Firehouse 51, but realized his true calling was pediatrics medicine. But he like Julie has one more year to complete medical school and has to complete his ED rotation at Chicago Med. Good thing he has his best  friend Luke to help him out.
Which brings us to Luke. After a nasty blowout with his parents his junior year of high school, where it was said that music wasn't a career and implied that Luke needed a nice safe job. But neither of his parents thought he could apply himself enough for college. So Luke left to go live with Bobby and his family. In that time, there were few tense phone calls between him and his parents. One more than awkward dinner. Â Where Luke announced he was going to college and was to major in Music. In that time, he took a class. Music Therapy. It was led by a Dr. Charles. Who was a psychiatrist. But while psychiatry wasn't for him. It led him to his true calling, medicine where he could not only connect with people. But also help them when they were in most need.
Long story short he changed his major to pre-med and minored in music. Now he's a trauma fellow at Chicago Med. He's still not talking to his parents, but they hate his job (and really that's just a bonus)
#Julie and The Phantoms#Julie Molina#Reggie Peters#Luke Patterson#Chicago Med#One Chicago#my edit#My writing
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the bracelet - 1
arthur leclerc x verstappen!reader
synopsis; arthur's infamous bracelet goes missing when it's suddenly found on his sworn enemy.
warnings; invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, implied crash in the race, Romain Grosjean crash!Reader, swearing
The bracelet, a small silver chain that Arthur had bought for himself after his first major victory in F3. It was a trademark staple of his brand, fans copying him with lookalikes and duplicates of it.
It was adored especially by his female fans, praising him for wearing jewellery, and looking amazing whilst wearing it. It had become his good luck charm, and refused to take it off when he crashed one time when not wearing it.
"Let's see if the bracelet does you any good when I crush you in this race Leclerc." The younger Verstappen calls out, cockiness smearing in her voice.
"Sure Verstappen, we'll see if your brother's shitty skills will get you anywhere." He laughs out, knowing that Max had trained her for this race.
She walked away, going to put her on suit on. Y/N Verstappen was the latest addition in F3, and was rising rapidly. Her insane skills had immediately bumped her to F3, and was become a media favourite.
She was not only praised for being Max Verstappen's little sister who had followed in his footsteps, but for her own individual talent behind the wheel, as well as her striking beauty which had landed her several campaigns with many big beauty and modelling brands.
Her mutual hatred for Arthur Leclerc was the one thing that remained a mystery to her, as when she first entered the paddock for her first race she had gone up to him, ready to open her heart about how much of an inspiration he is, until this happened..
'Hey, Arthur isn't it? I just wanted to tell you that I really-' You had begun, before he interrupted.
'Big talk from you, considering that I've been told you want to recreate the Charles and Max competition. You talk a lot of shit coming from someone who's only just joined.' He spat, his ego clearly having a joy-ride.
'I didn't say anything like th-' You tried to justify, his eyes narrowing onto you before interrupting, once again.
'You may have become the media's sweetheart, but I can see through that.' He said sternly, not a waver in his voice.
'Asshole.' You shouted out, walking away back to your garage, feeling the rage simmer as you started a self acclaimed war between yourself and Arthur Leclerc.
You still think about that moment sometimes today, wondering if you had just cut him off and got the facts straight, maybe you would've been an unstoppable duo or more?
You couldn't deny the fact that he was insanely handsome, but you couldn't let your thought of lust and a small crush take over the fact that he only thinks you got into racing because of your looks and sweet personality.
You had won multiple times, but not against Arthur specifically. This race mattered, and mattered a lot. You tugged your racing suit on and went into the media pen to do some interviews and promotional videos before the race.
Entering the hustle and bustle of the pen you couldn't spot Arthur anywhere, as you walked up the reporter who was eyeing you up and down as soon as you walked in.
"So, Miss Verstappen, how do you think your latest Victoria's Secret fashion show went?" He drawled, smirking as he asked his question.
"Uhm, excuse me?" You questioned, completely taken aback by his question.
You were a Victoria's Secret Angel, and those shows are notorious for their display of models in lingerie, and had no correlation to your important upcoming race.
"You were wearing a stunning red set, the colour of your rival team, Prema, do you think your biggest enemy Arthur Leclerc has anything to say about that?" He weakly linked the question back to the race, but failed to hide his pathetic boner.
You were at a loss for words, finally seeing what the media thought of you, trying to think of an answer quickly as this was being filmed live.
"Quite frankly I don't think he has anything to say. We're rivals, we don't speak. I find that your question is disrespectful, and has no link to the race." You talked back, the anger seething from your teeth.
"Many of your fanboys are jealous of the tension you both have, there must be something going on behind the scenes? Just like the fanboys would love to see the backstage of when your getting ready." He laughed out, looking around at the cameramen and other reporters, trying to justify his sick questions.
You drew your eyebrows together, as your face twisted into an incredibly appalled face. You were close to crying, not being able to find an escape from the pen as the reporter started getting closer to you.
You felt an arm swiftly wrap around your neck, with their hand resting on your shoulder.
"You see here, me and Miss Verstappen have nothing but hate. As much as I love watching her on the catwalk where I can't hear her voice, you won't be getting that privilege for much longer. I'll meet you in 10 minutes outside buddy." Arthur's deep voice said cautiously patting him on the shoulder with his spare hand, pulling you away.
He pulled you in front of him, resting each hand on both of your shoulders, as he pushed you through the crowd and out to the empty corridor where everyone's room is.
"Are you okay?" He hesitantly asks, still keeping a firm hand on your shoulder.
"Not really. I can't help but think if this is really how my fans see me, and everyone publicly." You confess, feeling vulnerable in this state but feeling as though you can't confide in anyone else.
"Trust me, it's just him and his other couple of weird friends. Your fans love you for your personality and your insane racing abilities. Maybe your looks factor into that but that's not the reason why they watch you race." He spoke softly, as though he really meant it.
"You watch my shows?" You question, remembering what he said earlier, prying to get more answers.
"No." He answered way too fast, then continuing; "Well yeah. I mean, who doesn't? You're amazing up there. I just wish I could've pulled you away from that guy earlier, I heard some of the conversation and just had to take you away."
"You're being nice. I hope this isn't to psych me out before the race." You laugh slightly, blushing from what he previously said.
"Even though we have a bad past, I will defend you in every way imaginable Cherie." His accent shone through, as you both made eye contact.
"Why do you hate me so much?" You queried, wondering how he could be giving you cute nicknames when hours ago you were wishing bad luck upon each other.
As you wait for his response you look down on his lucky bracelet, thinking of what your good luck charm would be.
"We'll talk after the race, I have some business to take care of you. Good luck, and stay out of the media pen." His demeanour changed to a more serious one, looking down at his watch.
He walked away swiftly back towards the pen as you could see him pulling aside the creep from before. You decided to go to your room for the time being and calm yourself down for the race.
"Y/N, it's time, come to the garage." You heard your manager say as he knocks on the door.
You take a deep breath and walk out to the garage, getting into your car. You felt as though there were a billion eyes on you, tracking and analysing every movement.
The race started, and the usual rush of adrenaline came flooding back, like a broken dam. You had started P2, getting around the usual curves of the track.
After 17 laps and some good overtakes, you were in P1 and you could feel the sweat slowly forming on your head. All was well till you heard someone speak to you on the radio.
'Verstappen, be careful, you have Stanek from Trident coming up and ready to overtake at a much higher speed.'
You decided to speed up, but he pushed and pushed till you were both head to head, and approaching a turn. You took the risk, speeding up as the G-force was pushing you further and further back. You cut in front of him just in time for him to also speed up, rear ending you slightly.
The sudden small push had distracted you, completely disregarding that you needed to brake for the turn. Your thinking brain had shot you back into reality, as you tried to turn as hard as you can for the turn, but it was too late as you began drifting off track.
The screech made you cringe, as you were drifting into the barricades at nearly 210 kilometres an hour, as you braced for impact. The car directly smashed into the barricade, turning into a ball of flames.
The impact flung you back as you could hear a high pitched ringing throughout your ears. You looked around, disorientated, hearing nothing but the ringing and seeing nothing but red around you.
'Everybody get into pit lane, now, now, now!' You heard someone say distantly.
'Y/N, respond, are you okay?' You could hear you manager calling out, but his voice echoing.
All of the other drivers had gotten out of their cars, watching the screens in the garage, waiting for any sign of you. Arthur sat with his head in his hands, leg anxiously bouncing.
You couldn't go, couldn't leave him when he hadn't been able to fully talk to you, and confess his feelings.
The heat was attacking you, but you gained conciousness of your legs, and you could move them. You could move them? Looking down, your head felt as though it weighed a thousand kilograms, but half of the car was gone. Dissapeared.
Your survival instinct kicked in as you pushed yourself off the seat, and through the flames where you could faintly see the barricade. A hand stuck out from the fire tornado that you had been consumed in, as you firmly take it and jump over.
"She's alive."
"She's alive!"
"Holy shit."
The phrases rang throughout all the garages as tears were wept, and hugs were given out of joy.
"Fuck yes, Y/N. She did it, the champ." Arthur yelled out, happier than ever to see that you were alive, and did it in such a badass way.
You were rushed into the ambulance that was deployed for you, immediately getting your helmet clipped off and vitals checked.
You took deep breathes, feeling as though you had teleported from the fire to the ambulance. The sirens wailed throughout the track as it raced to the hospital.
You could slowly see your vision going black, and darker till all you could see was nothing. You had passed out in the ambulance, raising the concerns even further as the nurses had informed your manager that it wasn't looking too good with you passing out.
Arthur had bolted up like a rocket, ignoring questions and going straight to his car. He sped his way to the hospital, picking up some flowers on the way.
You laid miserably in the hospital gown, finally waking up and sitting up. You felt exhausted, as though the energy had been drained out of you. You heard a subtle knock to be met with Arthur meekly holding a big bouquet of flowers.
He rushed in, worry draining his face.
"Mon Cherie, are you okay? What even happened? Well, I know what happened, but how did you spin out? You looked so cool coming out the fire, but are you hurt? I-" He rambled, taking both of your hands into his.
"Yes, I'm okay. Doctors said I came out of the fireball without a scratch." You smiled proudly, laughing at his incessant worry.
"Holy shit, you are invincible." He smiled at you, his worries boiling down.
"Mhm, for sure. I didn't brake in time for the turn, and the car developed a mind of it's own." You said quietly, looking at him.
"Well look, I'm going to give you something that'll make sure you'll never get into another crash like that again." He started, pulling his hands away from yours, taking his famous bracelet off.
Your eyes growing wide, "Arthur, absolutely not! It's your lucky ch-"
"You're not getting into another accident, not on my watch. If the bracelet is mine, it's a way of me protecting you." He said sternly, laying the cold metal on your wrist and adjusting it to your size.
"Thank you. Really." You smiled, as he grinned back.
"Your manager left your phone here for you, and he's on the phone to your family in the hallway right now." He informed, passing you the phone.
As it scans your face it unloaded hundreds upon thousands of notifications; missed phone calls, texts, media stories, social media notifications and more.
You scrolled through them, reading quickly until one story caught your attention.
'Famed Arthur Leclerc caught punching news reporter; GROUND BREAKING.'
You turned the phone to him so he can read it, as his smirk becomes into a full smile.
"I told him I'd meet him in 10 minutes." His smugness dripped from his tongue.
"You didn't have to do that you know. Thank you." You looked down, blushing slightly.
"I had to do it, he messed with you. But of course had to look good doing it." He dramatized, pushing the phone back towards you.
"So, can we talk about, you know. What we are?" You hushed, ruining the moment slightly but needing an answer.
"When I met you, the same reporter told me this bullshit how you wanted to create a rivalry with me, and how you bought your way in just so you could have a legacy like Max and Charles." He confessed, taking you aback, you having never heard this.
He continued; "So when I saw him pushing you about, I realised what happened. I defended the girl that should've been rightfully mine from the start, as it's no secret I have a massive crush on you besides from the misunderstanding hate."
"I had no idea, but in my defence, I tried to tell you from the start." You flexed, knowing he was in the wrong; "But wait what, you have a crush on me?"
"It's no secret, why're you shocked?" He said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"It most definitely was secret! How could I know you had a crush on me when you would call me an idiot at interview panels?" You laughed, reminiscing such stupid times.
"Okay, I'll give you that. But something that I should've said a while ago is, do you want to go on a date this Friday?" He squeaked out, nervous.
"Yeah, I'd love that." You smiled, blushing.
"Y/N, you're cleared to go home as you're all well, your family are flying out right now to come and visit you." Your manager came in, ruining your candid moment.
You nodded in agreement as he stepped outside to take another call.
"I'll go out first and I'll meet you back at your apartment. Now I can take care of you." Arthur playfully grinned, as he walked out to go to his car.
You changed back into some casual clothes that your manager left for you as you walked to his car, with him trying to block the swarm of paparazzi that you weren't expecting to be outside the hospital.
The bright flashes hurt your eyes until you safely got into the car and were making the drive back home.
"What the fuck?" You blurted aloud, looking at your phone to see articles about you and Arthur, and his missing bracelet being around your wrist.
Fans had immediately put two and two together, and were off the bat swarming your DM's and socials, making edits and fan pages.
Hearing the chime of text you look up from the article with a message from Arthur.
Arthur Leclerc
I think the fangirls and fanboys of ours have worked it out, no? ;)
You smile down, knowing that he was loving the theories and attention already.
#al#formula 1#fanfic#imagines#f1 fandom#ferrari#ferrari f1#imagine#prema racing#prema#ferrari prema#f3 one shot#f3 x y/n#f3 x you#f3 x reader#arthur leclerc x y/n#arthur leclerc fluff#arthur leclerc#arthur leclerc x reader#arthur leclerc x you#charles leclerc#max verstappen#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc x reader#arthur leclerc imagine#arthur leclerc smut
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Master List of Faustian Exchange Prompts
All prompts, used or unused, that were submitted to the Faustian Exchange! All are posted with permission. If you use someoneâs prompts, please credit them for the idea and tag us if youâd like us to reblog your work!
Grelliam: The first time William calls Grelle a woman or uses her correct pronouns.
Grelle/Angelina: first kiss after a Ripper murder.
Grelle childhood fic dealing with gender confusion
Modern day Grelle after fully transitioning to female, preferably with a tongue piercing.
Madam Red/Grelle with Grelle on one knee putting Madam Red's shoe on her (to mirror the Sebastian images with Ciel).
Adult Ciel and Lizzy, portrait-style.
Sebastian spending a day off with Agni when he's recovering after the Luxury Liner arc
when each servant first begins to suspect Sebastian isn't human
Mey-rin and Ran Mao bonding after Ran Mao discovers Mey-rin also speaks Mandarin.
Sebastian teaching Shiori to dance
Sebastian playing piano with Grelle draped over the back of it like a lounge singer
Doll wearing the Weston College boys' uniform.
Crack ship- Tanaka finds out who his true love was all along, tea.
Before the murder of the Phantomhive's and the cuteness of the twins.
Grell's past life? What drove them to suicide?
The real reason Sebastian is a demon. He ate a KitKat by biting it without breaking it first.Grell's eyes.
Elizabeth being a cutie while fencing
Modern! AU with Elizabeth and Grell in the cutest dresses
D&D AU with Phantomhive twins and any other main cast on a quest causing mayhem. Are they playing D&D or are they in a D&D world? That's up to you!
Modern AU Phantomhive twins as fake paranormal investigators, claiming their caretaker Sebastian is a demon.
Sebastian/Agni bonding over taking care of their masters.
Phantomhive twins and Sebastian (and maybe Agni, Sohma, Lizzy and/or Sieglinde) as a D&D party.
Phantomhive twins OR Lizzy and Sieglinde in cute matching/contrasting outfits.
Sebastian/Agni dancing.
Claudia and Undertaker (pairing/shipping optional, and if that's so, the use of Cedric name is up to you), canonverse. Claudia questions Undertaker about his mourning lockets, and if he would one day make one of hers. Implying/asking if she is important enough for him that her death might affect him.
Sebastian brings a cat home and naturally Ciel doesn't like it. Heartbroken, Sebastian has to let the cat go. But the cat won't go. Crack/funny, either canonverse or modern AU
Ciel twins (I'll address them as Ciel and Astre for convenience), canonverse AU or modern AU, your choice. The twins, as nobles/higher status, shouldn't be alone in this part of the city, but Ciel wanted to show Astre some factories to show how confusing, messy and poluting they are, in a way to dissuade him from his wish to have a toy company of his own - something that would drive the twins apart, with different life goals. In there, they meet an orphan employed in that factory. Alois. What unfolds from there is up to you.
Joker and Beast (shipping preferred), canonverse. Back in East End, Joker tries to find a present to Beast in order to show her gratitude for the care she showed him when he fell ill.
alternatively, Joker and Beast in modern AU. Both of them and Jumbo are legally adults, but Doll, Dagger, Peter and Wendy (regardless of their real ages) are still children under institutionalization and up for adoption. In a hurt/comfort manner, big brothers fashion, Joker and Beast dealing with their fears and emotions of having their little siblings sent into foster care versus waiting a few more years to be of legal age and all of them live together in a new life, after .Â
Vincent and Diederich, canonverse, brotp kind of relationship but shipping/one sided pairing is not excluded. Crack/funny. Diederich is positively shocked that Vincent would go full drag to solve a murder case of some sort. And even more shoked to see how well it makes him look.
Undertaker and Othello, canonverse. A conversation, some form of interaction, hanging out, opposing views (nothing aggressive, both seem to be very curious and open to hear other opinions even if they don't change their own). Brotp interaction between the two back in Undertaker's Shinigami days. Anything, up to your imagination.Â
Sebastian and Ciel, shipping not intended. Preferrably canonverse. Sebastian thinking of how everyone else sees him as deeply caring for Ciel's wellbeing, which he does with only one intent in mind - seasoning Ciel's soul to add to the 'delicacy' level he desires. Ciel knows this, so even despite living together for three years, he knows Sebastian's 'worrying' and 'affection' are all feints. However, maybe after a particularly bad nightmare, or after Sebastian doing something kind out of apparently no reason, Ciel seems to genuinely be grateful. What are Sebastian's thoughts on this? Maybe something dark and manipulating, kind of in the league of his words in the Green Witch arc when he's burning the laboratory? Or the other way around? Your choice. What I meant with no shipping is because I would prefer if this 'affection' I mentioned wouldn't be taken by you as romantic.
Joker and Bravat Sky, canonverse AU, in which they came across each other when they were young. Bravat was a charlaton, fooling people with fake fortune readings, and they meet by: either Joker is one of the people he tries to do it; or Joker attempts to steal his money and an exchange unfolds.- âSieglinde, modern AU, rocking Japanese street fashionâ (I completely stole this suggestion from the reply post on the blog, is seemed so damn cool!)
Ciel & Astre. Either tender, or dark, whichever you prefer. If it's the later, a classical contrast image, in whichever fashion you prefer.Â
Side by side, mirror reflex, bloody Ciel vs Astre, or some better idea in case you have it!Â
Joker, Doll or Beast from the Circus. Just one of them, I'm naming the three so you can choose which. Modern aesthetic/fashion look for any of them.
Undertaker and a Bizarre Doll, in a sort of gothic-esque style. Maybe something with like a cameo frame-thingy around it would work if it's not too troublesome?
Cat!Ciels, chibi or otherwise, just being fluffy. Â
Grell Sutcliff x Reader
William T. Spears x Reader
platonic Lizzy x Sieglinde
Grell Sutcliff
Elizabeth Midford
Soma and Agni (together)
ciel/lizzy (ship)-lizzy gives ciel a fencing lesson
lizzy/seglinde(platonic/friendship)-they have asleepover. modern AU
ciel goes christmas shopping with sebastian (no ship) (before current arc)ciel/lizzy (ship) going for a walk, holding hands
lizzy and Earl Grey dueling/about to duel
Sebastian in a seifuku (preferably pink and very cute)
ciel in a dress (again) and very annoyed about it
Ciel gets sick, and Lizzie and Soma fret over his health; Ciel is either only mentioned, or appears briefly, with the fic focusing on Lizzie and Soma's attempts to help
Before Sebastian can be summoned, Undertaker rescues Ciel (and his twin, if you want to include him) from the cult
Soma/Lizzie (ship) - AU or possibly post-canon where Lizzie is the queen's watchdog1) Vincent and Frances as children, running or playing on the lawn of the Phantomhive Estate
Lizzie and Sieglinde; Lizzie teaching Sieglinde about British fashion: showing her dresses, etc.
Lizzie and Agni practicing with swords, Agni looking impressed
Lizzie and Soma, something cute and shippy
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) taking care of each other in the cult
Astre (Our Ciel) and Alois (ship) going to a ball together
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) going on a murder case for the Queen togetherÂ
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) in the cult
Astre ("Ciel") and Alois (ship) doing basically anything together (modern or Victorian era)
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) teasing each other/Vincent teasing Diedrich and Diedrich being angry about it
Grell goes overboard decorating the Reaper Dispatch for Christmas
Ciel finds old letters from his parents
Undertaker holds a comedy show to find the best joke out there
Anything with grell honestly I love them but specifically Grell in the Mean Girls Santa outfit
Claude dressed like Spider-Man
Madame Red and Grell actually happyÂ
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing or dueling. :D
Anything regarding Francis Midford and Vincent Phantomhive. Anything.Â
Lizzy and real!Ciel's interactions after discovering the truth about TCT.
Fabulous Lau lowkey shipping everyone of age. EVERYONE. (The Reapers are pissed, Queen's butlers are flustered.)
Ciel and co. thinking Queen Victoria's the true enemy, then Aleistor Chamber reveals he's the main Kuro villain and that he's had a hand in every scheme thus far.
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing!
Edward and Lizzy being dorks. Maybe Edward tearing up because his little sister's about to marry? Ahaha I'm not picky. ^^
Claudia Phantomhive, Undertaker, Vincent Phantomhive, and Francis Midford in a family portrait???
Ciel/Elizabeth going on a date
something involving the Prefects from Weston
something involving the Grim Reapers (whoever they want to pick)
Joanne Harcourt
Edward Midford
The two nine year old twins, Ciel and Astre, are having trouble sleeping. So, despite being sleep deprived, the two manage to stay up late telling stories and giggling. In their wake, they manage to catch the attention of Tanaka, who sings them to sleep. (Set in the cannon universe.)
A Hogwarts! AU, but set in Weston. The houses are the same, but it's still set in the Victorian Era.
The mourning process had never suited the Spare. He had lost everything, and he knew nothing would ever change that fact. So, despite the world around him urging him to cry, he decides to stand strong. Ciel would be. So he figured he could too. // (Please contact me if I need to specify anything. I'm not that great at writing prompts!)1. Modern! AU. The main characters, but dabbing with fidget spinners everywhere. // 2. Super edgy and dramatic⢠drawing of Ciel. // 3. A headshot of Ciel and his brother.
Grell dressed as madam red
soma eating curry
gregory violet dressed as undertaker.
Claudia/Undertaker going on a picnic inside a red cave.
Sebastian being Madam Red butler, where Madam Red sold her soul to him for giving birth and raising a child until 18 years old.
Grell baking a cake, and ruining her clothes in the process.
Sebastian getting a birthday surprise from his mother, where she gets him 100 cats, and Ciel gets furious.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.1.Undertaker painting Ciel wearing a violet dress and eating cake.
Undertaker and Claudia decorating a Christmas Tree.
Undertaker wearing Lizzy's clothes.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Gregory Violet falling in love with Lizzy. He writes her a secret message, and watches her reading the letter.
Grell wearing Ciel's dress, he had worn in the party where he meets Viscount of Druitt.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.
anonymous prompts
Modern AU, somehow, Drocell's sessions with a therapist, confronting what he has and doesn't have of his humanity
Sebastian and Agni trying to outdo each other as butlers, friendly competition that's really just thinly veiled flirting
Mindless fluff, Ciel and Elizabeth shopping for holiday presents for family and household
Grell in a green witch arc dress (but properly fitted)
The twins dressed as the prince and the pauper style aesthetic
The twins modeling on the cover of vogue
Cielois (ship) having tea, playing chess, and/or cuddling while reading in the library
Our!Alois and Real!Alois meeting
Lizzie throwing Alois a birthday party bc she finds out he doesn't really have any friends
Alois Trancy, Lizzie being a bad*ss
Fem!Grell in a nice dress
Undertaker babysitting the twins
Diederich babysitting Vincent while he was sick at Weston School.
Sebastian taking care of a stubborn, sick Ciel who refuses to stay in bed (bonus points if you add angst)
Sebastian carrying Ciel is something always good to see.
Ciel messily trying to decorate a cake (bonus points if you add Sebastian looking both amused and disappointed)
Undertaker and Grell braiding each other's hair.
Lizzy helps Ciel with his studies (ship optional)
Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard preparing dinner without Sebastian
Sieglinde Sullivan and Lizzy discussing about Ciel's work over tea-Lizzy with her hair down
Grey in Weston College uniform
Real Ciel picking flowers with his twin
The household having to take care of Pluto until Sebastian returns home
Ciel being mistaken for a girl by a group of ladies who decide to pamper him
Grell getting lost in the city and being adopted by a group of kids- Grell and/or Undertaker  enjoying a train ride
GrellxUndertaker - Grell lying on the autopsy table trying to flirt with UndertakerÂ
Ciel wandering the city in commoners clothes, maybe with a group of childrenÂ
Vincents life as queen's watch dog
Shinigami dispatch life
Twin ciel angst
Sieglinde (maybe with wolfram)
Shinigami Dispatch/ or trio (william, grell, ronald), or just grell or ronald
Anything Alois related
Madame red and Grell
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Buildings of 2020: Architecture of the Year
Best Buildings in 2020, World Architecture of the Year, Good Property Designs, Architects
Buildings of 2020: New Architecture
17 Dec 2020
Major Architecture of 2020
e-architect Selection of Key Contemporary Architectural Developments in the past year.
Our parameters for inclusion:
â architecture designs that stimulate
â buildings that ask significant questions
â designs that show creativity and innovation
We considered the yearâs international architectural highlights to pick out the key buildings of 2020.
Designs are listed by geographical region.
â Adrian Welch, e-architect editor / architect
Architecture of 2020
A further selection of buildings around the world â these are all fascinating architectural designs, but did not meet our final cut
Kingsway Tower, Ikoyi, Lagos, western Africa Architects: SAOTA image courtesy of architects Kingsway Tower, Ikoyi, Lagos A landmark mixed-use building set on a prominent corner on Alfred Rewane Road, an arterial road that bisects the city leading north towards the airport and south to the Victoria Island. The building designed by South African architects SAOTA is 15 storeys high. It has a basement, a two-level retail podium, a parking podium and 12 office floor levels.
University of Bambey Building, Diourbel, Senegal, West Africa Design: IDOM image from architects University of Bambey Building In Senegal, shade and water are everything. This lecture-room block project, a close relative of another in Gaston Berger, San Luis, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and the World Bank, is set in the city of Bambey, located 120 km west of Dakar.
DRIFT, 2020, Dallas, Texas, USA Design: sculpture by Gerry Judah photo : Dan Sellers DRIFT, Dallas, Texas sculpture by Gerry Judah In Texas, the Belt Line Road stretches thirty miles in a straight line through the hills and valleys between Dallas and Fort Worth. If you pause at the Olympus crossroad to North Lake, you will find DRIFT, the latest sculpture by Gerry Judah, dazzling in the sun like the bleached bones of an ancient leviathan.
Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Texas, USA Design: Steven Holl Architects photograph Š Richard Barnes, courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Nancy and Rich Kinder Building Houston The third gallery building of the MFAH, dedicated for the display of the Museumâs outstanding and fast-growing international collections of modern and contemporary art, the 237,000-sqft Kinder Building has been designed by Steven Holl, who also designed the master plan for the Sarofim Campus. The landscape architects for the 14-acre Sarofim Campus are Deborah Nevins and Mario Benito of Deborah Nevins & Associates/ Nevins & Benito Landscape Architecture, D.P.C.
Columbia Building, Portland, Oregon, USA Design: Skylab ; Partner Architect: Solarc Architecture and Engineering Inc. photograph : Jeremy Bittermann Housing workspace, a visitor reception area, and public meeting spaces, the 11,640-square-foot building not only supports the engineering department of the wastewater treatment facility but also functions as an immersive educational experience, all integrated within a sustainable landscape.
Skyspace Residence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Architect: Marmol Radziner ; Artist: James Turrell photo : The Ivan Sher Group Skyspace Residence Nevada
Confluence Park, San Antonio, Texas, USA Design: Lake|Flato Architects + Matsys photo : Casey Dunn Confluence Park San Antonio The San Antonio River Foundation, is dedicated to enhancing the San Antonio River Basin as a vibrant cultural, educational, ecological, and recreational experience. The foundation tasked the design team with transforming a former industrial laydown yard into a one-of-a-kind outdoor educational center.
Filtered Frame Dock, Austin, Texas, USA Design: Matt Fajkus Architecture photography : Charles Davis Smith; MF Architecture Filtered Frame Dock in Austin, TX This single-slip boat dock of Filtered Frame Dock is a result of liberation through constraints balanced with sensory experience. Devised concurrently with the propertyâs new residence, the boat dock creates both tangible and implied connections of experience and shelter.
Lutheran Church of Hope-Grimes, Grimes, Iowa , USA Design: BNIM Architects photo : Nick Merrick Lutheran Church of Hope-Grimes Building Lutheran Church of Hope-Grimes is a satellite facility of a large, multi-campus Evangelical Lutheran Church in the heart of Iowa. The 21,150 sqft building serves as a community and worship center for a fast-growing congregation within an expanding rural community.
Horizon Neighbourhood, Powder Mountain, Utah, USA Design: MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple photograph : doublespace photography Horizon Neighbourhood Resort Horizon Neighbourhood was designed by the esteemed Canadian architecture firm MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple. It is the first pre-designed neighborhood to be built at 9,000 feet elevation on Powder Mountain, Utah. It consists of 30 cabins ranging in size from 1,000- 3,000 sqft.
Cheng Brier Residence, Tiburon, Marin County, California, USA Design: Swatt | Miers Architects photography : Marion Brenner and Russell Abraham Cheng Brier Residence in Tiburon, California This contemporary US residence is a 6,000-sqft home terracing down a steep sloped lot in Tiburon with dramatic views of the bay. The material palette elegantly combines bright white stucco, teak and gray limestone.
The Village Apartments, Guangzhou Architects: TEAM_BLDG photograph : Jonathan Leijonhufvud The Village Apartments in Guangzhou In his book Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World, Doug Saunders points out that the development of the arrival city (also known as urban village) is an important part in the urbanization process. It may be the birthplace of the next wave of economic and cultural development, or the explosive place of the next wave of violent conflicts, which needs to be properly handled.
One Sino Park Offices and Spa, Chongqing City, southwest China Architects: aoe photography : Huang Ligang One Sino Park Offices and Spa The project consists of a cliffside building, designed and constructed into its surrounding mountain façade. The main structure has been completed, and designers have deconstructed and reconstructed its internal spaces with an infusion of architectural elements conducive to the topography, resulting in the creation of a rich architectural, urban space.
Da Ya Li Roast Duck Restaurant, Chengdu, China Architects: IN ⢠X photograph : Shi Yunfeng Da Ya Li Roast Duck Restaurant in Chengdu Wu Wei: Discovering the New Vitality of Traditional Brand â Da Ya Li Roast Duck Restaurant Chengdu Vanke Tianhui Branch. Food is a good embodiment of civilization, as well as the past and the present of a city. Chinese people have been good at tasting food since ancient times.
Arup and Cobeâs new metro stations celebrate Copenhagenâs redeveloped docklands Design: Arup and Cobe photo : Rasmus Hjortshøj â COAST Nordhavn Station + Orientkaj Station Copenhagen Part of the Nordhavn metro line extension connecting the docklands to Copenhagenâs city center, Arup and Cobe have worked together to design two new metro stations, Orientkaj and Nordhavn, under the Nordhavn metro line extension. The recently opened public transport link unlocks the potential for the redevelopment of Copenhagenâs northern docklands, one of the largest urban regeneration projects in northern Europe.
Atrium House, Nosara, Guanacaste Architects: Studio Saxe photograph : Roberto DâAmbrosio Nosara Atrium House Eco-conscious family business Andaluz commissioned Studio Saxe to create Atrium House, giving experiences around architectural designs that harness the power of the environment to create life changing experiences. The Andaluz brand is all about meaningful and real experiences that combine comfortable human habitation with a deep connection to the surrounding landscape.
Courtyard House, Nosara, Guanacaste Architects: Studio Saxe photograph : Roberto DâAmbrosio Nosara Courtyard House Eco-conscious family business Andaluz commissioned Studio Saxe to design Courtyard House creating experiences around architectural designs that harness the power of the environment to create life changing experiences. The Andaluz brand is all about meaningful and real experiences that combine comfortable human habitation with a deep connection to the surrounding landscape.
Tres Amores Residence, Nosara, Guanacaste Architects: Studio Saxe photograph : Andres Garcia Lachner Tres Amores Residence in Nosara Studio Saxe was commissioned to design a family home perched on the hilltops of the town of Nosara Costa Rica. The Tres Amores Residence would blend and hide within its natural surroundings whilst opening to the dramatic ocean and mountain views.
The Athletic Center, Nosara, Guanacaste Architects: Studio Saxe photo : Andres Garcia Lachner Athletic Center at the Gilded Iguana in Guanacaste As an extension to the Gilded Iguana Hotel in the town of Nosara, this building was designed as a small village amongst the trees that creates a public space which integrates locals with visitors with similar interests of pursuing an active lifestyle and wellbeing.
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Rovinj Design: 3LHD architects, Zagreb photos courtesy of architects Grand Park Hotel Rovinj Building Due to its importance, the project was given the status of a strategic investment project in Republic of Croatia. The building offers great views of the Adriatic Sea, located directly on the coast, near marina and promenade
The Garden House in the City, Nicosia Design: Christos Pavlou Architecture photo from architects Pool House in Nicosia Bringing nature back to the city although not a new idea it is a growing imperative especially for cities like Nicosia which has failed to make greenery and communal public areas a priority in its urban planning.
HelfĹĄtĂ˝n Castle, HelfĹĄtĂ˝n by TĂ˝n nad BeÄvou, Czech Republic Architects: atelier-r photograph : BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com HelfĹĄtĂ˝n Castle Reconstruction Rising high above the Moravian Gate valley, HelfĹĄtĂ˝n Castle is the second largest complex in the Czech Republic right after Prague Castle. HelfĹĄtĂ˝n was established in the 14th century. In 2014 the Renaissance palace ruins had to close down due to the severe safety hazards such as falling masonry and remains degradation.
Bicycle Parking Garage, under the Koningin Julianaplein Design: Silo with Studio Marsman photo : Mike Bink Den Haag Bicycle Parking Garage As the COVID-19 crisis has spurred new initiatives to make cities more pedestrian and bike-friendly, the Netherlands continues to lead by example. In The Hague, the worldâs second-largest bicycle parking garage has been opened, featuring an all-encompassing back-lit mural of Escher-like tesselations that honor the cityâs eclectic architecture.
The Heart in Ikast, Vestergade, Ikast, Jutland, Denmark Design: C.F. Møller Architects photograph : Adam Mørk The Heart in Ikast The Heart in Ikast, by C.F. Møller Architects is a new centre for culture and communication, which combines teaching activities, communal activities, physical training and play in various new ways. Designed to offer a cultural community focal point, the building is a powerful, accessible piece of architecture which exudes openness, warmth and welcome.
Coca-Cola Arena, City Walk Architects: Populous photo courtesy of architects Coca-Cola Arena Global architecture firm Populous celebrates its first arena concept design in the Middle East. With a capacity of 17,000, the arena becomes the largest multi-purpose indoor arena in the region and, by incorporating climate control throughout the building.
Expo Entry Portals Architect: Asif Khan Studio photograph : HĂŠlène Binet Dubai 2020 Expo Entry Portals in UAE Asif Khan, renowned British architecture studio, has designed the Expo Entry Portals, three spectacular gateways to Expo 2020 Dubai that will grant entry to visitors from 20 October. The structures are the first works to be unveiled from the studioâs design of more than six kilometres of Expo 2020 Public Realm.
Island Rest, Isle of Wight, South of England Design: Strom Architects photos by Nick Hufton, Al Crow Island Rest Isle of Wight Residence âIsland Restâ is a response to the clientâs brief for a contemporary family holiday home. Situated on a beautiful Isle of Wight creek, âIsland Restâ sits on a spacious site with direct access to the water and views of the Solent beyond.
The Lookout, Lepe Country Park, Exbury, Southampton, Hampshire Design: Hampshire County Council Property Services photograph : Jim Stephenson The Lookout in Lepe Country Park The project, which provides a restaurant, visitor information point, staff ofďŹces and supporting facilities forms part of an ongoing programme of work that seeks to transform and regenerate a number of country parks within Hampshire.
Windward House in Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, South West England Design: Alison Brooks Architects photo Š Paul Riddle Windward House, Gloucestershire A monumental house and living art gallery high above the Wye Valley. The result of a ten-year collaboration, this new house and landscape project celebrates domestic living amongst an extraordinary collection of Indian and African Tribal Art.
Solar Gate, Kingston-upon-Hull, eastern England Architect: Tonkin Liu photograph : Alex Peacock and Mike Tonkin Windward House, Gloucestershire Solar Gate is a sundial that uses solar alignment to mark significant times and dates in Hull. The super-light innovative two-shell structure is place-specific, responding to pivotal historic events and to the cultural context of its location in Hullâs Queens Gardens adjacent to the ancient site of Beverley Gate.
Shiver House, Korppoo, Finland Design: NEON image courtesy of architects practice Shiver House in Korppoo Shiver House was previously installed in 2015 as part of the Barfotastigen exhibition in Korppoo, Finland. The project was intended to be in-situ for 4 months but due to its popularity it was kept on-site on a longer-term basis.
ThÊâtre âLegendreâ in Evreux Design: OPUS 5 architectes photo : Luc Boegly ThÊâtre Legendre Evreux The highly respectful project aimed to restore this theater dating from 1903 to its former glory, in its original architectural style and including the design of a new dĂŠcor for the lobby.
100% wooden house, Château de la Bourdaisière, Montlouis-sur-Loire, France Design: LOCAL and Suphasidh Studio photo : Atelier Vincent Hecht 100% wooden house Montlouis-sur-Loire LOCAL and Suphasidh Studio build a prototype of a 100% wooden house in the park of the Bourdaisière Castle. The project questions the flexibility and the usage of wood; it aims to modify the traditional codes of the individual housing.
Wicker Pavilion, Jardins de lâEurope, France Design: DJA â Didzis Jaunzems, Ksenia Sapega photo : Eriks Bozis Wicker Pavilion Annecy The pavilion blends in with the surrounding landscape and forms a shaded space for park visitors to shelter from the hot summer sun.
Carmen WĂźrth Forum, KĂźnzelsau, Baden-WĂźrttemberg, Germany photo Š Simon Menges Carmen WĂźrth Forum A second construction phase completes the Carmen WĂźrth Forum for the Adolf WĂźrth GmbH & Co. KG situated in the town of KĂźnzelsau in southern Germany. The diverse range of functions further establishes the complexâs conceptual idea of a forum and allows the building to be open continuously, in particular due to its use as a museum.
Villa Fifty-Fifty, Strijp-R, Eindhoven Architects: Studioninedots photo : Frans Parthesius New Villa in Eindhoven Located on the green edge of Strijp-R in Eindhoven, Studioninedots designed family home Villa Fifty-Fifty as a pavilion where volumes alternate between open and closed, and where life happens just as much outdoors as indoors: a new typology for maximising visual and family interaction.
KeenSystems HQ, Gemert Architects: Denkkamer architectuur & onderzoek photograph : RenĂŠ de Wit KeenSystems HQ KeenSystems headquarters is situated along the ring road around the village of Gemert. The decision to not establish their new office building for the rapidly expanding telecom provider in the city of Eindhoven comes from the desire to operate from a very much green and inspiring environment.
Assen Station Design: Powerhouse Company + De Zwarte Hond photo : Egbert de Boer Assen Station Building Assen Station has been completely transformed thanks to an extraordinary wooden structure. The new station is defined by a triangular wooden roof that appears to float above the several buildings below.
Villa Tonden, Tonden, Gelderland, the Netherlands Architects: HofmanDujardin photography Š HofmanDujardin, photographer Matthijs van Roon Villa Tonden The architecture practice carefully shaped its characteristic appearance to perfectly fit into the open spot in the pine woods. This wood clad home is equipped with amenities required to enjoy a laidback time. All rooms offer a good view of the surrounding nature.
Maya Somaiya Library, Sharda School, Kopergaon, Maharashtra Design: Sameep Padora & Associates photograph : Edmund Sumner Maya Somaiya Library Building The site chosen for this small addition of a childrenâs library within a school in rural Maharashtra, was a sliver between existing buildings and the school boundary, a site that almost implied a linear building footprint to adjust the program for the chosen site.
Sangini House, Surat, Gujarat Design: Urbanscape Architects and Utopia Designs photograph : Noughts and Crosses LLP | Andre Fanthome Sangini House, Gujarat Offices The architecture and design of Sangini House explores ways in which it can respond to the context and spirit of the heritage in which it stands. This office building for the Sangini group characterizes new strategies for a flexible, column-free office space that creates a new urban venture in the cityâs dense business district.
Akshaya 27, Chennai Design: Sanjay Puri Architects photos Courtesy BRS Sreenag, Sreenag Pictures Akshaya 27 Chennai Office Building Cantilevered cuboid volumes create a sculptural office building, Akshaya 27. Located in the old business district of Chennai in South India, the plot had multiple challenges to be overcome.
Aria Resort Hotel, Maharashtra, western India Architecture: Sanjay Puri Architects photo : Dinesh Mehta Aria Resort Hotel in Nashik, Maharashtra The site for the Aria Hotel is gently contoured rising up 9M towards the south with the entry at the lowest level in the north. Situated in the wine-growing region of India, the north faces a large river and a dam with hills beyond.
Rajasthan School, Nagaur, Rajasthan Design: Sanjay Puri Architects photograph : Dinesh Mehta The Rajasthan School in Nagaur Imbibing the organic character of Indian villages & old cities, this is a low-rise three-level Indian school building with open, enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces of various volumes. The architectural design is by award-winning practice Sanjay Puri Architects.
YTL Corporation Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Interior Design: MOD, Architects photo : David Yeow Photography YTL Corporation Berhad YTL Corporation Berhad, a large Malaysian infrastructure conglomerate founded in 1955, grew from a small construction firm into a global infrastructure company spanning oil & gas, cement, construction, property development and hotels.
Lightspeed offices â Phase 2, MontrĂŠal, QuĂŠbec, Canada Architects: ACDF Architecture photo Š Adrien Williams Lightspeed offices Phase 2 Lightspeed commissioned ACDF Architecture â the designers for the first phase of the firmâs headquarters â to create a new floor dedicated to product development. The workspace of the point-of-sale software company is located on the ground floor of a 19th-century railway hotel, the chateau-style Viger Railway Station.
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at peace (derek morgan one-shot)
Plot: youâre a slightly newer agent in the BAU and this is the first case thatâs hit a little too close to home. thankfully, while youâre helping the victim, the rest of the team is around to help you.
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader
Warnings: child abuse, implied pedophilia, name-calling, language, angst
A/N: thank you for your wait, loves! here is this gr8 derek morgan fic that iâve been working on for ages. I hope you guys donât hate it. i love derek morgan and there arenât enough fics of him around! i hope to write more XOXOX !!!!!!!!!gifs arenât mine!!!!!!!!! (ps every time i look for something morgan related, i find 10000 things of spencer and maybe two of morgan. pls stop tagging things under a certain character when they arenât even in the pic/gif/story/whatever. pls)
âHey, gorgeous,â Derek walks into the tech room where you and Penelope are following up on your current case regarding 13 dead women, and a missing one named Victoria Harolds.
âHello there, lover,â Penelope replies, eyes not leaving the screen. âWhat can I do for you?â
âThese women all got their dry cleaning done at the same place. Can you remind me where that was?.â
âDry cleaning? At the corner of Sheridan and 34th, Prentiss and I checked that out last week. All the employees had solid alibis,â you look over to Derek and he shakes his head.
âThere was one person unaccounted for: the owner Charles Jensen. He wasnât around that day, they told you that he was on vacation in New York, right?â Derek raises a brow at you and Penelope shakes her head.
âThey lied. Iâm tracking his credit cards right now and heâs less than a mile from where the kidnappings took place and three miles from almost every dumpsite. All the others have clean records and solid alibis, but he doesnât,â Penelope continues typing and you shake your head.
âWhat? Whatâs wrong?â Derek looks at you, concerned.
âThis doesnât make any sense, it doesnât fit the profile. Heâs been undetected for so long, why make mistakes now? Heâs careful, heâs smart. He wouldnât give himself away accidentally,â you bite your lip in thought as Garcia speaks up.
âCould it possibly be because heâs feeling remorse?â
âNo, sociopaths donât feel remorse, Pen. This man wants something from us, Iâm just not sure what it is,â you shake your head and sigh, Penelopeâs typing being the only noise.
Seconds later, your phone rings and you look at the screen. Not recognizing the caller, you motion to Derek and Penelope, telling them to keep quiet as you answer the call and put it on speaker.
âL/N here. Whoâs this?â
âHello there, Agent,â the voice on the other end is hoarse and smug at the same time. âYou donât recognize my voice?â
Derek pulls Hotch and the rest of the team in as Penelope tries to trace the call.
âYouâre the man who killed all those women,â you grit out and the man laughs.
âThank you, youâre right. That would be me. Wouldnât you like to know where I am? Where little miss brunette is?â
âTell me where youâre keeping her. Tell me where youâre keeping Victoria,â you look over to Penelope as she shakes her head, not yet pinpointing his location.
âTell that brilliant analyst of yours to stop trying to find me. Iâll just tell you where we are,â the man takes a deep, long, calming breath before continuing. âWeâre at 1347 West Sheldon Road, right next to the abandoned warehouse. Canât wait to see you.â
He hangs up and you all quickly rush out the doors: you and Morgan rush into one car while the rest of the team calls for some backup before joining you.
âWhy did that man ask if you remembered him?â Derek questions you after a few minutes of silence.
âIâve got no idea, but I plan on asking him myself,â you glare ahead and turn the siren on. Why did the unsub sound so familiar?
âWe need to be careful when we get there, you understand me?â Derek lectures as you drive up to the house; it seems to be the only one in the area.
âDerek, I appreciate your concern, but we cannot wait!â You unbuckle your seatbelt and look up at him.
âWe donât go in without the rest of the team, understood?â Derek grabs your hand as check to make sure youâve got your gun, a concerned look in his eyes while yours grow hard.
âDerek, the longer we wait, the less are our chances of finding her alive. Please,â you whisper, pleading as he furrows his brows.
âWe canât go in there without backup, sweetheart,â he shakes his head and doesnât let go of his grip on my arm.
âDerek, weâve done this for years. Whatâs different now?â You reason as Derek shakes his head. âVictoria could be dead!â
âAnd if we go in there alone, you could be next! The women he kidnaps look a hell of a lot like you! This unsub knows you, he singled you out and called you to tell you where he was. Thereâs not a chance in hell Iâm letting you go in there without backup!â Derekâs voice grows louder as he finishes his little speech.
Before youâre given a chance to respond, you hear sirens coming around the corner. You pull your arm away from Derekâs, glaring at him as you open your side door.
âThereâs your backup, Derek. Iâm going in,â you get out the car and run over to the front of the house. Hotch and Reid are the first to meet you there. âEveryone be careful.â
You check the door and see that itâs open. You make your way inside and Hotch and Reid follow. You stop once you were all inside, and hear the womanâs sobs and groans down the hall. Everyone gets to the room at the very end and you break down the door. There he is: holding her against him, smiling as he carves into her stomach, a blade in one hand and a gun in the other.
âStop right now or I will put one right between your beady little eyes,â you glare, gritting your teeth as the man laughs, lifting the gun to the womanâs head..
âThe only way youâll put a bullet through me is over her dead body. Sheâs useless. You, on the other hand, Iâm going to enjoy--â
âLet her go, Charles. You donât want to do this. Just--â
âLet her go?â He cuts you off and runs the blade lightly across her throat. âSheâs the only leverage I have to get to you.â
âStop hurting her and I will walk right over to you,â you glare at him and slowly move your gun lower, gritting your teeth as you speak.
âIs that a promise?â He smirks, not removing his blade from Victoriaâs throat as he eyeballs you. âBecause I can get off at just the thought of carving into you, god I canât wait to--â
âGet your hands off of her. Now,â you grit your teeth, your hands still on your gun as he watches you.
âOh, look at you. Youâve grown up so much. I bet your parents would be proud, huh?â He smirks at you knowingly as he lifts his hands off the girl, the knife still poking her stomach and the gun against her temple.
You growl and take a step closer as he pokes the blade in deeper.
âYou really donât remember me?â The man laughs and you reach for your gun again. âI didnât think you could forget me after the state I left your parents in. They were one of my first kills, blood spattered everywhere. Some of it even got on your face and you screamed. You were such a beautiful child.â
âNow is not a good time to lie, Charles,â you clench your jaw, not wanting to think of your parents. Not wanting to know how he knew about them.
âLying?â He laughs again. âIâm not lying and you know it. You were in her arms when I killed her. Red was such a good color on you, even then. You were wearing a pretty lavender dress with embroidered white flowers.â
You falter for a second as the man continues, not wanting to let him see what he was doing to you.
âYou looked so sad, so confused. I couldnât have someone as innocent as you be drenched in blood. So I took the time to change you out of the bloody clothes. I cleaned you up and put you into a little white onesie. God, your skin was so soft. I wonder how soft it is now. So scrumptious, so--â
âDonât even think of finishing that sentence,â Derekâs voice comes out gruffly from behind you.
âOr what? Youâll shoot me? As if sheâll let you,â he scoffs, raising a brow towards you while running his tongue across his bottom lip.
âIf you donât let her go, I will shoot you myself,â you grit your teeth and earn a sickening smile from him.
âI let her go, I have no leverage. Come on over and I wonât even look at her,â he rakes his eyes up and down, imagining you naked. âIs someone feeling jealous?â
You grit your teeth and look over your shoulder at Derek and the rest of the team, making sure they knew what you were doing. You give Derek the gun and walk over to the jackass, holding your hands up as Victoria whimpered underneath the knife.
âThereâs a good girl,â he smirks, raising his knife to your stomach and his gun to your temple as he turns you around, pressing your back to his chest. He moans, brushing his lips against your ear and using you as a human shield. âYou feel even better than I could have imagined.â
You grit your teeth and drift off, Â not wanting to imagine what he was saying. Thereâs no way he could be the one, but thereâs also no way he couldâve known any of those details. Everything about your childhood was erased. Penelope owed you one and that was all you wanted. The only proof that anything out of the ordinary had happened to your parents was a single sheet of paper, a report that had been filled out initially. No one else outside of your team knew about those events.
âListen to me, you little whore!â He screams in your ear, pushing the gun into your temple as he grew impatient. The knife dug into your belly as he yelled at you, his head moving slightly to the side to exert more force. âYouâre a filthy, cheap little slut and thereâs no way youâre getting out of this alive. Iâm gonna--!â
And before he can even finish the sentence, you hear a shot go off. The scumbag got one right between his beady little eyes. You look back to see Derek Morgan, gun in his hands and eyes on you as a tear rolls down your face. You quickly wipe it and turn around, facing Victoria as Hotch called for paramedics.
You rub the hair out of her face as she cries and whispers gentle thank yous, her hands still shaking as she fights to remain conscious. Once the paramedics arrive, you move out of the way and promise to visit her in the hospital before the team heads back to DC.
By the time you turn to face the team, theyâre all making their way outside to tackle news crews and relay the information with the cops. Derek is the only one still in the room, eyes not leaving you. You finally stand up again, knees barely able to keep you up as you walk over to Derek with your hand outstretched.
âHere you go,â Derek whispers, handing your gun back to you as he places a hand on your shoulder. âYou okay?â
âYeah, I guess,â you shrug and whimper, your tough demeanor slowly breaking as Derek pulls you into a hug. âNo.. Iâm not okay, Derek.â
âI know, baby, I know,â he whispers and holds you close, letting you cry into his chest. âIâm so sorry.â
You two stay like that for a few minutes, finding comfort in each otherâs arms as the agents and officers swarmed in and out of the room. The chaos around you continued, and for once you felt peace inside you.
âMorgan?â You two hear Hotchâs voice coming down the hallway and Derek lifts his head up.
âWeâre in here, Hotch,â Derek yells out and you pull away from him for a second, wiping your tears. Hotch takes one look at you and closes his eyes.
âIâm so sorry, Y/N. We shouldâve seen the connection sooner,â Hotch shakes his head and you give him a tight-lipped smile.
âItâs not your fault, Hotch. We saved her and the jackass is dead,â you wipe a few more stray tears and shrug as Hotch nods. âIt hasnât been a bad day.â
âMorgan take Angel home. The rest of us will finish the paperwork tonight. Weâll call you if we need anything,â Hotch looks at Derek and then back at you. âYou need anything, let us know, okay?â
âOkay, dad,â you whisper, still smiling at him. He returns the smile and walks out as Derek wraps an arm around your shoulder.
At the end of the day, all you had was your team. And what a team you had.
#criminal minds#criminal minds fic#criminal minds one shot#criminal minds imagine#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fanfic#derek morgan x reader#derek morgan#derek morgan imagine#derek morgan fanfiction#derek morgan fanfic#derek morgan fic#derek morgan au#criminal minds au#derek morgan one shot
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The Writing Style From Charles Dickens.
I believe the best financial investments our experts can easily create while our team are alive are to acquire our little ones, or grandchildren. That is. After the police interrogator discharges Verbal coming from custody, he locates a not likely amount of particulars off Verbal's account in documents and also pictures hanging throughout the examination space where Verbal spun his tale. There are actually a lot of magazines that release the short-short story of around 900 phrases - read as several as you can! At its own primary, that's a challenging attempt to represent individuals as they definitely remain in their complete complexity, making it tough for the reader to find to terms with a number of the situations in the account. If the tale is about everybody residing by means of an ordeal, finding out ultimately that everyone really perished could be the best twist. Certainly, all of us enjoy a really good puzzle and also often our experts can not assist but made detailed and also masterfully designed plots to increase the level of surprise in an account. I am article writer and also publisher from home entertainment websites, writing good posts with excellent web content as well as receiving finest action off my viewers this time around i am actually writing one flick in post in write-ups factory, becasue i passion to compose the write-ups. There's a drip-feed of details concerning the major story, a frankly haunting history to one of the main roles and, without a tip from hyperbole, perhaps the greatest spin that Shyamalan has performed given that The Intuition. A questionable narrator twists the ending through uncovering, almost always at the end of the story, that the narrator has manipulated or even invented the coming before tale, therefore compeling the reader to question their prior presumptions concerning the content. Guide is well written and also has the viewers's interest all through the tale. For a fiction publication, the start might open through developing your personalities as well as their area within your account. In generating three-dimensional personalities, I function to keep all the personalities' thoughts, activities, as well as emotions appropriate to the story. A total advancement of the literary works is actually established to ensure that the viewers puts her rapt interest in to the essence of the story. Whereas crazy Aaj Kal flick, there are actually just two stories which present passion at that point as well as right now. Yet till that time, that is actually not difficult to locate electronic photo books, comic-strip books as well as various other tale manuals built for a mobile phone display. All you must carry out is actually take a saying and also variation it lucky no ones ever carried out prior to. Jason is actually likewise a dynamic personality as well as it is actually delightful to see the favorable adjustment that Victoria and also her passion have on him. Likewise, keep in mind to keep the story simple and also certainly not feature excessive smoke screens or bunches of dubious personalities. Though each movies have suspiciously the same story line they are each brilliant. Your viewers just will not manage to associate with your tale or receive interested if they don't strongly believe the personalities are actually which you suggest them to be. This is why you must spend a good volume of your time developing your characters as carefully as achievable. Pair of or 3 characters, or, occasionally, even one personality, appears adequate good enough for a narrative. This is actually an aged one, which is actually why people that were properly read through in the category located the twist incredibly early in M Evening Shyamalan's film. Make use of a wink of an eye and a twist from a head - as well as tons of various other nonverbal looks as well as actions - to let folks know just what you resemble, how you feel, and also that you are, so they may rest. Delicate - An indirect taste sensation kept in mind for its fragile sweet-subtle emotion merely past the idea from the tongue. Jorge Luis Borges is actually a master of enchanting realistic look, and this tale will certainly create you thinking about the universe. The girls reveal a band from flesh-eating cavern people which endanger their survival if that weren't scary enough. That includes 3 chronologically different tales of love in between the two protagonists, embeded in 1911, 1966 and 2005. A handful of interesting subjects for blogging about can be youth knowledges like attaining important targets, a scary adventure, incidents, a good or poor action, lifestyle altering adventures, as well as sudden happenings. It is a second palate sensation of sourness under edges from the tongue. The Twist Firm has actually revolutionized the streamer wait using a versatile and innovative design that is actually lightweight and easy to put together. I ensure everybody has a preferred Child tale I carry out: A X-mas Carol, this educates 2 of everyday life's essential lessons: that family and friends are actually more crucial in comparison to funds as well as possessions and also to deal with folks as you prefer to become alleviated your own self. Using that advise in the circumstance of American Horror Story, Murphy should most likely examine each manuscript as well as take out one plot unit before recording this. Screw this. Take out five. Guide is still split right into three major sections which split the account baseding upon the timeframe, characters as well as relational ins and outs. For that reason that was along with much nervousness that I went to see this spanking new model from the Oliver Twist motion picture and fortunately I was actually certainly not miserable. This's additionally great if you wish to mix your affection of background along with your design watercraft structure ability. For example instead of the 3 Little bit of Porkers" he would certainly say to the story of the Three Little bit of Sows". To the point where he resembled, 'This is actually so wild that I don't know that I can possibly do it, however I'll do it.' And also Taissa Farmiga is actually returning for the first time ever since Coven, in I think a truly, really excellent component and also our company enjoy her. Simply check out what you like to read as well as blog about, and placed a new angle, or twist on that, and after that go for it. That makes for a quite unsharpened tale unless you may take design, power and also a special dream to that, in which scenario you will probably be actually far better off aiming to sell that as a film therapy. Coincidentally, this story was actually published the day just before the Physician Which Journal tale The Stockbridge Face-off, which was actually additionally their 1st comic story to include a solo post-Series 9 Twelfth Physician. If your composition is actually overlooking any of the components on this guidelines, return and also perform some spinning and rewrite until your tale DOES consist of each of these components, and also your story will certainly be much more marketable. Having a completed story implies you have actually actually taken care of all the different plot and also story factors that arise throughout creating. If you have any type of inquiries pertaining to where and the best ways to utilize yellow pages ni (www.edithveiga.com.br), you could call us at the website. By end of the program you are going to know specifically just how twist plots job and also remain in a place to create variation accounts from your very own. That's important that the story be actually maintained basic, even though the concept might be actually quite extreme.
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See You Again Chapter 4: A Bitter Aftermath
After Rupert has murdered Henry, he has to face the consequences of his actions. Everyone hates him now, especially Charles and Ellie. Calvin admitted a deep hatred for Rupert after he confessed something about Henry, and Rupert feels remorse and guilt. Now what's next for Rupert?
Warning: Blood and cussing and angst.
Rupert was staring at the wall of his tent in despair and numbness.
After everyone got home from the mission, things took a dark turn.
The General was told by Charles and Ellie that Rupert murdered Henry in cold blood. Charles brought Henry's corpse to the morgue where the General and the coroner were waiting for them. Â The coroner examined Henry's cause of death and as Rupert said before, Henry was accidentally killed by a rock. However, Charles and Ellie refused to believe that Henry's death was accidental.
Rupert murdered Henry in cold blood.
Rupert stared down at the floor when his coms went off, Rupert reluctantly answered it.
"Hello?" Rupert said quietly.
"Rupert, the General wants to see you," Victoria said firmly but her tone was ice cold.
"Now?" Rupert asked as he put a hand to his face.
Rupert sighed as Victoria hung up before he could respond to her. He stood up and took deep breaths then he went outside.
Rupert avoided meeting everyone's eyes as he went to the General's office, most of the soldiers either glared at him or just avoided him. To Rupert, the walk to the General's office was slow but in reality, it was fast pace. Rupert was standing in front of the office and his heart was beating faster. He took a deep breath and went inside.
Rupert saw the General was looking down at a piece of paper, the General looked up to see Rupert. The General shook his head as he stood up and he paced for a little bit. He stopped and gave Rupert a hard glare.
"Mr. Price," Galeforce said lowly, "Do you know why you are here?"
Rupert didn't want to answer him.
"It's because you murder Henry Stickmin in cold blood," Galeforce responded without waiting for Rupert to respond.
"It was an accident," Rupert said under his breath, however, the General heard him.
"What was that?" Galeforce said.
"It was an accident!" Rupert exclaimed, he was now trembling.
"Rupert, you of all people should know that there is no such thing as an "accident" murder," Galeforce replied, tone filled with disgust.
Rupert blinked as he looked away, he crossed his arms. Galeforce was right. There is no such thing as an accidental murder. "I have told you and Henry a hundred or maybe a thousand times to stop fighting before you kill each other and guess what happened?"
Rupert stayed quiet.
"You and Henry were doing so well before this happened," Galeforce continued, "You let your anger get the better of you and you killed Henry in cold blood,"
Rupert glanced at the General, and he stopped trembling. The General shook his head, and Rupert raised a hand to try to defend himself.
"Uh, sir...I-"
"I'm the one talking, Price. You're not talking now,"
Rupert flinched, he didn't like the General's tone.
"Did you know I have to make a phone call to Henry's parents and they were not happy," Galeforce said sadly.
Rupert felt a twinge of guilt, he didn't know Henry had parents. All through his life, he thought no one cared about Henry saved for Charles and Ellie. He thought no will miss Henry but he was proven wrong.
"Sir, I-"
"You are fired!" Galeforce bellowed.
Rupert blinked in confusion, he hoped he didn't hear what he didn't want to hear.
"Um, sir?" Rupert asked.
"YOU ARE FIRED!" Galeforce roared, making Rupert jump from the yelling and he started trembling again, "YOU ARE FIRED! YOU WILL BE DISCHARGED and SENT HOME!" Galeforce continued, "UNDERSTAND!?"
Rupert looked away as he nodded, Galeforce calm down as he panted. Galeforce sat down at his desk and pushed a document in front of Rupert, "You will stay here for a few days and then you will leave,"
Rupert looked at the General, his eyes were shimmering. He went to get the document and was about to head when he heard the General cleared his throat. He reluctantly looked at the General who was glaring at him, "You're a disgrace to the Government and to other soldiers everywhere," the General stated coldly.
Rupert felt numb as he left the General's office, he headed back to his tent. His head was down, his bangs were covering his face, and he slowly walked past several soldiers. Some of the soldiers snickered while others shook their heads in disappointment. Rupert went inside the tent and sat down on his bed.
Rupert felt numb, almost catatonic.
His dream to help people, to do better than the police, and to protect innocent people... now broken by his biggest mistake. He couldn't believe it...
Rupert's heart started beating faster as he heard ringing in his head, he felt his chest tighten, and he started gasping for air. He was having a panic attack. He took deep breaths to try to calm himself down. His breathing became normal after a few moments, he sighed heavily as his head started hurting. His mind was on plans on what's he going to do when his tent flap opened and two figures came in.
Rupert looked up to see the Bukowski twins and neither of them didn't look happy.
Konrad looked nervous while Calvin looked angry, Calvin's fists were clenched and he was trembling. Rupert didn't know what the annoying duo was doing here and he doesn't have time to deal with them.
"What are you doing here, carrot tops?" Rupert asked, annoyed, "I don't-"
"Rupert," Konrad interrupted, ignoring Rupert's glare, "Calvin has something to tell you,"
Konrad looked at his brother, he gestured to Calvin. Calvin took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes and he opened his eyes as he exhaled. "Rupert... You... You..."
Calvin was having trouble speaking, and Rupert saw tears streaming down his face. He was confused about why Calvin was crying unless...
Rupert then felt a fist to his face and he felt his nose was in pain. Rupert blinked as blood started dripping down from his nose, Rupert glanced at Calvin who was holding his fist up, and his fits were covered with Rupert's blood. He also saw Konrad was trying to hold back his brother, however, Calvin was not holding back.
"You bastard!" Calvin shouted, voice cracking, "You fucking bastard!"
Rupert held his nose while it was still bleeding, "YOU MURDER HIM!! YOU FRICKING Â MURDER HIM!!"
Calvin kept shouting, and Konrad was trying to calm him down. Rupert was confused about who's he talking about then he heard Calvin say something that would stunned him.
"I-I was goi- going to con-confess my feel- feelings for H-Henry!" Calvin exclaimed after he calm down but he was still sobbing, Rupert blinked in shock at Calvin's confession.
"Now... because of you... HE'S FUCKING DEAD!" Calvin continued, Rupert stood up and Calvin stepped back, making Konrad almost fall in the process.
Calvin shook his head as he laughed coldly, he stepped right into Rupert's space and jabbed a finger at him. "If you ever come near me or my brother, I will fucking kill you,"
Calvin turned to head out of Rupert's tent and Konrad followed him but Calvin stopped as Konrad opened the flap, Rupert saw Calvin's cold glare and he felt a little frightened.
"Go to Hell where you belong," Calvin left with his brother, leaving Rupert alone with his thoughts.
His nose kept bleeding as he trembled, Rupert sat back down as he felt a bitter realization hit him.
He has to face the consequences of his actions. Â
#thehenrystickmincollection#henry stickmin#rupert price#hubert galeforce#charles calvin#ellie rose#victoria grit#calvin bukowski#konrad bukowski#thsc#thsc henry stickmin#thsc rupert price#thsc hubert galeforce#thsc charles calvin#thsc ellie rose#thsc victoria grit#thsc calvin bukowski#thsc konrad bukowski#implied calvin x henry#henry stickmin au
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